UFRGS The Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, is nationally and internationally recognized for the quality of its programs and research. The institution has five campuses: 4 in Porto Alegre (Centro, Saúde, Olímpico and Vale) and another in Tramandaí (Litoral Norte). It has a number of partners in several cities in Rio Grande do Sul to promote its undergraduate and graduate programs, both online and on-site. A variety of programs are offered, in several areas, ranging from Middle School to graduate programs. It is home to as many as 40,000 students in pursuit of high-quality higher education degrees in the country. Teaching, in line with research, with recognized levels of excellence, and extension, with several activities to the community, earns UFRGS high reputation.
UFRGS, as a public institution at the service of society and committed to the future and critical awareness, in view of its more of 100 year of existence, respects the differences and promotes race and gender equality. In an effort to attract more women to the academia, UFRGS has an institutional program of undergraduate research especially devoted to female researchers: BICFEM - Meninas na Ciência. The University has also spearheaded other initiatives for gender equality, such as He for She (www.ufrgs.br/elesporelas) and a Physics Institute project titled Meninas na Ciência (www.ufrgs.br/meninasnaciencia).
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