Physics: Geophysics

The general goal of the program is to train professionals with solid and up-to-date insights into Physics and Mathematics to solve problems in the search for new advances in science and technology, with an investigative, interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial spirit and respect for ethical values ​​and the environment.

The program’s syllabus is comprehensive and flexible, as it seeks to develop skills and knowledge necessary for the current expectations of the job market. The program addresses Classical, Modern and Contemporary Physics, in a theoretical and experimental approach, with a focus on the connection between Physics and Medicine. Additionally, there are courses that prepare students for research in an interdisciplinary way.

The main courses address the dynamic structure of the Earth, sedimentology and sedimentary environments, physical properties of rocks, topography, tectonics and sedimentary basins, applied hydrology, aerophotogrammetry, cartography, remote sensing, seismostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy, seismic methods, well logging, electromagnetic and potential methods, geographic information systems and image processing. Hands-on practice in field trips are used for students to apply the geophysical methods under study.

Graduates of the program can work in mining and hydrocarbon prospecting companies, in the assessment and prevention of environmental disasters, search for water reservoirs and development of unconventional forms of energy generation; in research institutes focused on the physical phenomena in the subsurface of the planet and in its surroundings. There are also jobs for Physic professionals in public companies.

Graduates can also pursue graduate degrees in the areas of Physics, Engineering and Geology, among others. Bachelors of Physics can do research in geophysics and other areas that involve conventional and alternative energies, nanosciences, new materials, instrumentation and many others.

1 42240-04 Astronomy
1 95300-04 Calculus I
1 4116F-02 Analytic Geometry
1 42227-02 Physics Seminars
1 42214-04 Topics in Classical Physics
1 42219-04 Topics in Contemporary Physics
2 4115P-02 Differential and Integral Calculus III
2 95301-04 Calculus II
2 42258-04 Fluids and Thermodynamics
2 98D05-06 General and Experimental Physics I
2 4311P-04 General Chemistry
2 15091-04 Ethics and Philosophy of Science
3 4621L-04 Computing and Problem Solving I
3 4115R-04 Differential and Integral Calculus IV
3 4222R-06 Electricity and Magnetism
3 1532V-04 Geologic Structures
3 42228-02 Physics Research I
3 4221F-01 Field Activity A
3 4222C-04 Optics and Waves
4 1531H-04 Cartography
4 4220R-06 Modern Physics
4 95305-04 Applied Mathematics
4 4222B-04 Classical Mechanics II
4 42229-02 Physics Research II
4 4115S-02 Matrix Algebra
5 4221E-06 Quantum Physics
5 11521-04 Humanism and Religious Culture
5 4222D-04 Instrumentation and Measurements
5 4222E-02 Physics Research III
5 4222X-02 Sedimentology and Sedimentary Environments
5 4222T-02 Tectonics and Sedimentary Basins
5 42278-04 Electromagnetic Theory
6 1531X-04 Aerial Survey
6 42259-12 Elective Course
6 4222H-04 Nuclear and Particle Physics
6 4222F-04 Theoretical and Computational Physics
6 4422A-04 Applied Hydrology
6 4222A-02 Theory of Relativity
6 42288-04 Thermodynamics
7 42262-04 Solid-State Physics
7 42292-02 Statistical Mechanics
7 42243-04 Origins and Development of Physics
7 15389-04 Remote Sensing
7 4222V-02 Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy
7 44277-04 Topography A
8 422XX-00 Complementary Activities (120 hours)
8 4221L-02 Applied Geophysics
8 4221K-02 Electromagnetic and Potential Methods
8 4221H-04 Seismic Methods
8 4221J-02 Well Logging
8 4221P-02 Digital Image Processing
8 4221M-02 Physical Properties of Rocks
8 1532H-04 Geographic Information Systems
8 4221G-01 Field Activity B