Computer Science

With a focus on computational modeling and the development of algorithms for solving complex problems, the program curriculum provides students with a solid knowledge base in the fundamentals of computing and an in-depth view of topics such as programming languages, operating systems, networks and distributed systems, software engineering, intelligence computing, computer graphics and game development.

Graduates of the program can find work in the software industry. The prospects are good, as there is a shortage of qualified professionals, both in the Porto Alegre area, including the Tecnopuc, and other cities in Brazil – Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife – and some other cities all over the world.

There are also countless opportunities for research through Scientific Initiation grants, which allow students to work with the state-of-the-art in Computer Science, expanding their horizons and possibilities in an academic career, in industries or as entrepreneurs.

It is the right program for students aiming for an internationalized career or graduate school.

*The Computer Science program is offered in the morning, in the first three semesters (ABCDEE1), and from the fourth semester on, in the evening shift (JKLMNP).

1 95300-04 Calculus I 60
1 4611C-06 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 90
1 98705-02 Introduction to Computing 30
1 95303-04 Discrete Mathematics 60
1 98707-02 Scientific Method 30
1 1501A-04 Ethics and Civic Consciousness 60
2 4645G-04 Algorithms and Data Structure I 60
2 98901-04 Database I 60
2 95301-04 Calculus II 60
2 980E2-12 Elective courses 180
2 4646B-04 Fundamentals of Digital Systems 60
2 4611E-04 Logic for Computer Science 60
2 4611F-04 Object-Oriented Programming 60
3 4645H-04 Algorithms and Data Structures II 60
3 98902-02 Database II 30
3 46515-04 Languages, Automata and Computing 60
3 98G03-04 Processor Organization and Architecture 60
3 95304-04 Probability and Statistics 60
3 98701-04 Low-Level Programming 60
3 98702-04 Research Practice 60
4 98716-04 Computer Graphics 60
4 98801-04 Software Engineering I 60
4 4636H-04 Software Development Fundamentals 60
4 98713-04 Parallel and Distributed Processing Fundamentals 60
4 98H00-04 Infrastructure for Data Management 60
4 98703-02 Functional Programming 30
4 95302-04 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 60
5 98802-02 Software Engineering II 30
5 98905-04 User Experience 60
5 4646N-04 Numerical Methods 60
5 4646X-04 Game Development Project 60
5 4646Z-04 Algorithm Project and Optimization 60
5 98700-04 Operating Systems 60
5 4647F-04 Computability and Complexity Theory 60
6 98709-04 Fundamentals of Computer Networks 60
6 98708-04 Artificial Intelligence 60
6 98710-02 Computer Network Laboratory 30
6 4646I-04 Operating Systems Laboratory 60
6 4646M-04 Formal Methods for Computing 60
6 98704-04 Software Engineering Practicum 60
7 98706-04 Machine Learning 60
7 4645K-04 Compiler Construction 60
7 4647A-04 Advanced Computer Networks 60
7 4611G-04 Analytical Methods and Simulation 60
7 98711-02 Thesis I 30
8 980P0-00 Complementary Activities (120 hours) 120
8 4645J-04 Parallel Computing 60
8 11521-04 Humanism and Religious Culture 60
8 98715-04 Systems Security 60
8 4647B-04 Distributed Systems 60
8 98714-02 Thesis II 30



Optional Courses

4 254DX-02 Information Management 30
4 98G05-04 Computer Organization and Architecture 60
4 98H01-04 Data Collection, Preparation and Analysis 60
4 98907-02 Knowledge Engineering and Management 30
4 4636R-04 Business Intelligence 60
4 4646E-04 Interpretation of Programming Languages 60
4 12297-04 Games and Graphic Narrative Laboratory 60
4 13397-02 Psychology and People Management in IT 30
4 98G02-04 Digital Systems 60
4 4611H-02 Database Management Systems 30
4 4637K-02 Advanced Topics in Data Management 30
5 4636M-02 Computer Network Management 30
5 46517-02 Software Process Improvement 30
5 4637B-04 Applied Software Programming 60
6 4620J-04 Real-Time Systems 60
7 4636N-04 Information Technology Infrastructure 60
7 46524-04 Experimental Agency Practicum III (120 hours) 120