Silvia Dias de Oliveira

Silvia Dias de Oliveira
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1997), master's degree (2000) and doctorate (2003) in Veterinary Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Adjunct professor and researcher in Microbiology at the School of Health and Life Sciences at PUCRS, being a permanent member of the Postgraduate Programs in Cellular and Molecular Biology and in Dentistry, holding a CNPq level 2 research productivity scholarship. Areas of expertise are Biology and Physiology of Microorganisms and Applied Microbiology, especially in topics related to bacterial resistance and persistence to antimicrobials, virulence characterization of microorganisms of human and veterinary clinical interest, characterization of compounds with antimicrobial action, microbial adhesion and formation of mono, and polymicrobial biofilms on surfaces
Areas of interest
Concentration Areas and Lines Research
Biology and Orofacial Rehabilitation
- Dental materials, biomaterials and tissue engineering
- Diagnosis and applied therapies
Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Cellular and Molecular Characterization in Microbiology and Parasitology
Clinical Stomatology
- Oral and maxillofacial diseases ¿ clinical, immunological and anatomo-pathological studies
- Etiopathogenesis and treatment of periodontal and periapical diseases
Ontological Clinic
- Bucomaxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics: Diagnosis and Thera
Ontological Clinic
- Endodontics and Periodontics: Etiopathogenesis and Treatment of Periodontal and Periapical Diseases
Ontological Clinic
- Pediatric Oral Health
Restorative Dentistry
- Restorative technologies and techniques
Research Structures
Research Laboratories
- Laboratory of Immunology and Microbiology