Maria Martha Campos

Schools: School of Health and Life Sciences
Graduate Programs: Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program Dentistry Graduate Program Medicine and Health Sciences Graduate Program


Graduated in Dentistry in the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, 1995), holding a Master's Degree (1997) and a Ph.D. (2001) in Pharmacology from the same Institution. She obtained a postdoctoral degree at the University of Montréal (2001-2002) and another one at UFSC (2003-2005). Since 2006, she is a lecturer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). She is currently the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Dentistry, School of Health Sciences (PUCRS). She has experience in Pharmacology, with emphasis on Autonomic Pharmacology. She develops research projects in the pharmacology of pain and inflammation. The main research interests are related to the characterization of inflammatory and painful changes associated with diseases such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and cancer.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology

- Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations

Biology and Orofacial Rehabilitation

- Orofacial diseases from pediatric to elderly patients

Biology and Orofacial Rehabilitation

- Quality of life and biopsychosocial aspects of orofacial diseases


- Craniofacial growth, development and deformities


- Diagnosis and applied therapies

Cellular and Molecular Biology

- Molecular Biology in the Drug/Target Interaction

Clinical Stomatology

- Oral and maxillofacial diseases ¿ clinical, immunological and anatomo-pathological studies

Clinical Stomatology

- Stomatology diagnostic methods

Ontological Clinic

- Bucomaxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics: Diagnosis and Thera

Ontological Clinic

- Endodontics and Periodontics: Etiopathogenesis and Treatment of Periodontal and Periapical Diseases

Ontological Clinic

- Restorative and Reconstructive Dentistry

oral biology

- Biomechanics, Pain and Orofacial Dysfunction

Research Structures

Research Group

- Applied Pharmacology: Characterization of Mechanisms Involved in Pain, Inflammation and Cancer

Research Laboratories

- Laboratory of Pre-Clinical Toxicology

Research Laboratories

- Laboratory of Toxicological Analysis