Manoela Ziebell de Oliveira

Schools: School of Health and Life Sciences
Graduate Programs: Psychology Graduate Program


Holds a Bachellor degree (2007), a Master's degree (2010), and a PhD (2014) in Psychology obtained from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. In interested in resethe following reasearch topics: career development at different life stages and in cultural contexts. Is currently a professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology and the responsible for the Group of Studies on Career Development, at PUCRS. This group has three lines of research that aim to increase knowledge about career development, as well as to develop tools, tools and interventions appropriate to the Brazilian context: 1) Career transitions throughout the life cycle, 2) Career, culture and organizations, and 3) Development and validation of instruments and techniques in the field of career guidance and development. Is the current vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Professional Orientation and Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Professional Guidance

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research


- Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts


- Well-being, health and quality of life

Research Structures

Research Group

- Study Group on Career Development