Luisa Fernanda Habigzang
Luisa Fernanda Habigzang
Psychologist (Unisinos), Master in Developmental Psychology (UFRGS), PhD in Psychology (UFRGS), Post-doctorate in Psychology (UFRGS). Professor at the Psychology Program of PUCRS. Coordinator of the Violence, Vulnerability and Clinical Interventions Research Group. Research lines: 1) impact of violence and vulnerability to psychosocial development; 2) development and evaluation of interventions to prevent and treat people with a history of violence; 3) development and evaluation of technologies to train professionals that serve vulnerable populations or with a history of violence. Areas of interest: human development psychology; clinical psychology; Juridical Psychology.
Areas of interest
Concentration Areas and Lines Research
- Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health
- Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts
Research Structures
Research Group
- Violence, Vulnerability and Clinical Interventions