Lucas Bonacina Roldan

Schools: Business School
Graduate Programs: Business & Administration Graduate Program


Lucas Bonacina Roldan is a dedicated professional with a strong passion for developing new businesses with a high social impact. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (PUCRS/UCS) with a focus on Innovation Management, Competitiveness, and Market Research, a Master’s degree in Business Administration (PUCRS), and a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship and Succession (PUCRS).Currently, Lucas serves as an Assistant Professor at the PUCRS School of Business, where he is actively involved in the Administrative and Technology Courses' curriculum committees and coordinates both the MBA in Agribusiness and the Technology in Management Processes program. His teaching spans undergraduate and postgraduate levels, covering topics related to entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, he provides consultancy services to organizations in the fields of research and innovation.Lucas’s research interests include entrepreneurship, innovation, innovation ecosystems, strategic partnerships, inter-organizational relationships, strategic planning, and performance indicators. His professional background includes coordinating several impactful projects such as Students 4 Change, NAGI Digital, and Climate Labs. He has also held leadership roles, such as Business Manager for Chuá Laundry Network and SocialTec, a tech consultancy incubated at Tecnopuc Startups.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Strategic Management

- Mercado, Comportamento e Inovação

Strategic Management

- Strategy, Organizations and Society