Leonardo Araujo Pinto
Leonardo Araujo Pinto
Graduated in Medicine (UFRGS, 1999), specialization in pediatrics (HCPA, 2001), pediatric pulmonology (PUCRS, 2003), MS in pediatrics (PUCRS, 2004) and a Ph.D. in child health (UNICAMP, 2009). Held expertise in genetic epidemiology at the University of Munich (LMU, Germany, 2007). Leonardo is currently a professor at the School of Medicine at PUCRS (Department of Pediatrics, and Department of Public Health); and of the post-graduation in Pediatrics and Child Health (PUCRS); and researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research (PUCRS). Collaborates as a reviewer of the following journals: Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology, Journal of Pediatrics, Pediatric Pulmonology, European Respiratory Journal and PLOS One; has over 30 published articles in the area, with index H = 9 (Scopus). He is currently editor of the Scientific Bulletin of Pediatrics (SPRS) and associate editor of Scientia Medica (PUCRS). The researcher held experience in child health, with emphasis on respiratory diseases, mainly in the following topics: epidemiology of respiratory diseases, genetic epidemiology, viral bronchiolitis, asthma and cystic fibrosis.
Areas of interest
Concentration Areas and Lines Research
- Epidemiologia
- Infectologia
- Respirologia
Research Structures
Research Group
- Epidemiology and Genetics of Childhood Respiratory Disorders