Leder Leal Xavier

Schools: School of Health and Life Sciences
Graduate Programs: Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program


Biologist (UFRGS, 1994), MSc (Physiology,UFRGS, 1997) and PhD (Biochemistry, UFRGS, 2004). Professor at PUCRS, Scientific Coordinator of the Support Center for Scientific and Technological Development IDEIA-PUCRS, Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Biology and Central Laboratory of Microscopy and Microanalysis (PUCRS), researching the morphological and physiological bases and possible treatments for different diseases, such as: Parkinson's, stroke, major depression, post-traumatic stress and diabetes mellitus.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Cellular and Molecular Biology

- Cell Structure and Metabolism

Research Structures

Research Group

- Tissue Biology

Research Laboratories

- Central Laboratory of Microscopy and Microanalysis

Research Laboratories

- Laboratory of Tissue Biology