Helio Radke Bittencourt

Schools: School of Technology
Graduate Programs: Dentistry Graduate Program Development Economics Graduate Program


Degree in Statistics from UFRGS (1997), master's degree in Remote Sensing (2001) and doctorate in Geography: Environment, Education and Territory from UFRGS (2011). He is currently an Adjunct Professor 40h at the PUCRS Polytechnic School and works as an Advisor to the Dean of Administration and Finance. He is a member of PUCRS's own Assessment Committee (CPA/CTA). He has experience in the areas of Applied Statistics, Statistical Consulting, Probability, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Teaching Statistics, Educational Assessment, Large-Scale Assessments, HEI Planning, among others. He is a member of the FAPERGS Advisory Committee. Professor of the Development Economics PPG at the PUCRS Business School. Collaborating Professor of the PPG in Dentistry at the School of Health Sciences at PUCRS. He is a reviewer for several national and international journals. He has developed research with external funding (CNPq and Fapergs) and, in 2014, worked as a UNDP Consultant for INEP-Brasília.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research


- Craniofacial growth, development and deformities


- Diagnosis and applied therapies

Clinical Stomatology

- Oral and maxillofacial diseases ¿ clinical, immunological and anatomo-pathological studies

Clinical Stomatology

- Stomatology diagnostic methods

Dental Prosthetics

- Craniomandibular Disorders

Dental Prosthetics

- Dentistry Techniques and Devices

Economic Development

- Desenvolvimento Regional, Cidades e Agronegócios

Economic Development

- Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente

Economic Development

- Growth, Innovation and Equality


- Etiopathogenesis and treatment of periodontal and periapical diseases

Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics

- Growth, Development, Diagnosis and Applied Therapies

Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics

- Orthodontic Materials and Biocompatibility

Restorative Dentistry

- Adhesive systems

Restorative Dentistry

- Restorative technologies and techniques

Research Structures

Research Group

- Digital Images Multitemporal Analysis: Classification and Detection of Changes

Research Core

- Statistics Nucleus