Fernanda Goncalves Salum

Schools: School of Health and Life Sciences
Graduate Programs: Dentistry Graduate Program


Graduated in Dentistry in 1996 from the Federal University of Pelotas, specialist in Periodontics in 1998 from the Lutheran University of Brazil. She completed her doctorate in Stomatology in 2005 from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul-PUCRS. She is a Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry from the School of Health Sciences - PUCRS and is a member of the team of Stomatology Service of the São Lucas Hospital - PUCRS. Main research themes: preventive methods for salivary changes induced by head and neck radiotherapy; low level laser therapy in oral mucosal diseases; treatment of ulcerated lesions of the oral mucosa.

Areas of interest

No area of ​​interest registered at the time.


Concentration Areas and Lines Research


- Craniofacial growth, development and deformities


- Diagnosis and applied therapies

Clinical Stomatology

- Oral and maxillofacial diseases ¿ clinical, immunological and anatomo-pathological studies

Clinical Stomatology

- Stomatology diagnostic methods

Ontological Clinic

- Etiopathogenesis and Treatment in Stomatology

Ontological Clinic

- Stomatology: Clinical, Immunological and Pathological Studies

oral biology

- Biomechanics, Pain and Orofacial Dysfunction

Research Structures

Research Group

- Laser in Dentristy

Research Laboratories

- Laboratory of Pathology