Deivison Moacir Cezar de Campos

Schools: School of Communications, Arts and Design
Graduate Programs: Social Communication Graduate Program


Journalist. Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (Unisinos). Master in History (Pucrs). Adjunct professor at the School of Communication, Arts and Design – FAMECOS. Coordinates the degree in Journalism and is a professor at the PPG in Social Communication. Media, Ethnic-Racial relations and Decoloniality Researcher at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Communication Practices and Culture

- Processos comunicacionais, políticas dos corpos e interseccionalidade

Research Structures

Research Group

- Grupo de pesquisa em Comunicação, políticas dos corpos e decolonialidades

Research Core

- Research Nucleus on Communication Science (NUPPEC)