Deivison Moacir Cezar de Campos
School of Communications, Arts and Design
Graduate Programs:
Social Communication Graduate Program
Curriculum Lattes
Deivison Moacir Cezar de Campos
Journalist. Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (Unisinos). Master in History (Pucrs). Adjunct professor at the School of Communication, Arts and Design FAMECOS. Coordinates the degree in Journalism and is a professor at the PPG in Social Communication. Media, Ethnic-Racial relations and Decoloniality Researcher at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.
Areas of interest
Concentration Areas and Lines Research
Communication Practices and Culture
- Processos comunicacionais, políticas dos corpos e interseccionalidade
Research Structures
Research Group
- Grupo de pesquisa em Comunicação, políticas dos corpos e decolonialidades
Research Core
- Research Nucleus on Communication Science (NUPPEC)