Adriana Justin Cerveira Kampff

Schools: School of Technology
Graduate Programs: Education Graduate Program Education in Science and Mathematics Graduate Program


PhD in Informatics in Education (UFRGS / 2009), Master in Computer Science (UFRGS / 1999) and Bachelor of Informatics (PUCRS / 1995). She is Professor of the Graduate Program in Education and of the Graduate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics at PUCRS. She is Vice-President of Undergraduation and Continuing Education. She has experience in the areas of Education and Computing, emphasis on Educational Technology and Educational Management, acting mainly on the following themes: digital educational technologies, distance learning, teacher training, educational management, permanence management.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research


- Education theories and cultures


- Education training, policies and practices


- People and education

Scientific Education

- Learning, teaching and teacher education on Science and Mathematics

Scientific Education

- Tecnology in Science and Mathematics Education