Jose Roberto Goldim

Schools: School of Medicine
Graduate Programs: Biomedical Gerontology Graduate Program Medicine and Health Sciences Graduate Program


Biologist, MSc in Education, PhD in Medicine: Internal Medicine / Bioethics.Adjunct Professor of the School of Medicine and the School of HumanitiesProfessor of the Graduate Program in Biomedical GerontologyCoordinator of the Nucleus of Ethics and Bioethics of the School of MedicineArea of Interest: Bioethics and Research EthicsResearch Lines: 1) Bioethics and Complexity; 2) Health Decision-Making Processes, especially Informed Consent Process, Vulnerability, Capacity, Self-Determination, and Aging

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Biomedical Gerontology

- Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging