Rosângela Florczak de Oliveira

Schools: School of Communications, Arts and Design
Graduate Programs: Social Communication Graduate Program Theology Graduate Program


PhD and Master in Communication from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), with a specialization in Sociology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and in Teaching Theories and Practices from the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM) and graduation in Social Communication - Journalism from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Professor of undergraduate and graduate courses at PUCRS. Researcher at PPGCOM-PUCRS. Director of the RS Chapter of ABERJE. Managing partner of Verity Consultoria. Worked as a communications executive in large organizations. She researches strategic communication in the context of organizations, dialogue and image and reputation crises. Performance and academic interest in communicative processes, with emphasis on organization and focus on communication in crisis management, especially in the digital environment. Member of the Research Group for Advanced Studies in Organizational Communication ( Member of the Digital Communication, Technologies and Connectivity Research Group ( and of the interinstitutional Project (UFRGS and PUCRS) researching Risk and Crisis in the Context of Communication.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Communication Practices and Culture

- Práticas nas mídias, Organizações e Poder

Systematic Theology

- Theology and Contemporary Thinking

Research Structures

Research Group

- Grupo de Pesquisa de Comunicação, Crise e Cuidado (GPC3)