17/11/2022 - 08h59

Work Mission in Italy expands the possibility of new research and academic mobility projects

Professor Antonio de Ruggiero went to the Università Degli Studi Del Molise, through the PrInt Program

In October, the School of Humanities professor Antonio de Ruggiero went on a Work Mission abroad at the Università Degli Studi Del Molise (Unimol), in Italy. He went to the Italian institution in order to proceed with the Migrations: historical and conceptual perspectives and analysis of contemporary phenomena in Brazil and in Europe project, through PUCRS’s CAPES-PrInt Program.

PUCRS and Unimol develop research projects together regarding the history of italian emigration in Latin America. Notably, Italian professor Alberto Barausse’s studies include several meeting points with the researches held out at PUCRS through the research group advised by professor De Ruggiero, specialist in migratory studies.

The mission allowed the professor to plan future joint publications, such as the monographic Dossier about the history of the italian press overseas. According to De Ruggiero, this dossier will be presented on the second half of 2023 in the italian magazine of contemporary history Glocale, directed by researcher and history professor at Unimol, Rossano Pazzagli. In addition, both have discussed the possibility of a monographic publication for 2024, with its central theme being the history of an Italian newspaper publish in Rio Grande do Sul at the start of the twentieth century.

During his mission, the professor was able to have institutional meetings with the Dean of Unimol, with representatives of the Doctoral School and the School of International Relations, and with the team responsible for the internationalization of the institution, with the goal of narrowing possibilites of renewal and expansion of academic mobility opportunities between PUCRS and Unimol. De Ruggiero was also able to get to know the universitary structures where the Unimol Departments are located, including the service structures, such as Libraries and scientific Museus which belong to the museum Center of the university.

The PUCRS professor also visited the Scienze Umanistiche Sociali e della Formazione Department and its research structures for student and teacher mobility. On the occasion, the talked to the director responsible for the Centro di documentazione e ricerca sulla Storia delle Istituzioni scolastiche (Ce.S.I.S.) and the Museo della scuola e della educazione popolare (Musep), which keep bibliographic collections and primary sources for research. This opportunity may define forms of collaboration in research activities and in scientific publications which present themes and possibilites pertaining to the content of PUCRS’s CAPES-PrInt Program.

Partnership between PUCRS and UNIMOL

The partnership between the institutions began in 2016, when the first agreements were made between both universities and after the activities carried out by professor Alberto Barausse as visiting professor at PUCRS’s Graduate Program in Education. After that, the PrInt Program made the consolidation of the scientific partnership possible, expanding the perspectives on projects and researches on migratory themes. Two work mission and one sandwich doctorate then took place at Unimol.


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