14/01/2020 - 14h16

Visiting professors develop graduate work on PUCRS-PrInt

In 2019, PUCRS welcomed 22 professors from universities from overseas for lectures and seminars

2019 was marked by the visit of 22 professors from overseas who served as Visiting Professors in Brazil on Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt). The professors delivered lectures, seminars and met students interested in their lines of research. Their visit to PUCRS reinforced institutional relations, paved the way for the development of new projects and advanced the internationalization of students and researchers.  

Find out about the visiting professors that came to PUCRS in 2019 and their home universities  

Health in Human Development 

Research in this area addresses the clinical, psychosocial and educational aspects associated with the different stages of human development, in an integrated way. Investigations are developed in four sub-areas: child development, neglected diseases, adult health and neurodegenerative diseases. Find out more about studies in the area. 

Cassia Trojahn dos Santos – Université de Toulouse 2 – Jean Jaurès, France 

Cooperation project:  Development of innovative health technologies and processes Maximiliano Agustin Wilson – Université Laval, Canada 

Cooperation project: Study of the neuropsychology of aging and molecular mechanisms associated with neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly population  

Michel Koole – KU Leuven, Belgium 

Cooperation project: Development of innovative technologies and processes in health.  

Patrizio Blandina – Università degli Studi di Frienze, Italy 

Cooperation project: Biopsychosocial aspects associated with the health of individuals in adult life  

Hector Morbidoni – Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina 

Cooperation project: Advances in drug development, diagnosis and epidemiology of neglected diseases  

María del Carmen Tatay – Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain 

Cooperation project: Study of the neuropsychology of aging and molecular mechanisms associated with neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly population 

Wilson Montanez  Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia 

Cooperation project: Assessment of environmental aspects, life habits and pathological conditions in child development 

World in Motion

Research in this area addresses how society adapts to the rapid changes of the modern world. Aspects associated with social and economic development, migration, violence and human rights, as well as the use of technology without violating the ethical aspects and individual privacy rights are some of the issues that are addressed. Find out more about studies in the area. 

Sue Robson – Newcastle University, UK 

Cooperation project: Human development: knowledges and practices for a world in motion.  

Rui Dang – University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul The Apostle”, North Macedonia 

Cooperation project: Macro and microeconomic aspects associated with economic, social, human and environmental development.  

Christian Rode – Universitat Bonn, Germany 

Cooperation project: Migrations: Historical and conceptual Perspectives and Analysis of Contemporary Phenomena  

Manuel Jesús Sabariego Gómez – Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal 

Cooperation project: The hidden matrix of Violence in Contemporary Times: Crisis of Otherness, Morality and Ethics.  

Juana Maria Sancho Gil – Universidad de Barcelona, Spain 

Cooperation project: Human development: knowledges and practices for a world in motion.  

Roland Scholz – Danube University Krems, Austria 

Cooperation project: Macro and microeconomic aspects associated with economic, social, human and environmental development.  

Ruby Roy Dholakia – University of Rhode Island, USA 

Cooperation project: Macro and microeconomic aspects associated with economic, social, human and environmental development.   

Antonio Miras – Universidade de Granada, Spain 

Cooperation project: Technology and Society in a globalized world in crisis. 

Technology and Biodiversity

Research in this area studies how new technologies can contribute to the advancement of the study of biodiversity and the environment. It also analyzes how these technological advances can assist in the development of materials, products and processes that allow the rational use of natural resources with low impact on the environment. Find out more about studies in this area. 

Fernando Lopes Pedone  University of Lugano, Switzerland 

Cooperation project: Extracting knowledge from Big Data  

Joe Daniel Taylor – University of Salford, UK 

Cooperation project: Genomic Advances and their impacts on the study of Biodiversity.  

Gabriele Mencagli – University of Pisa, Italy 

Cooperation project: Extracting knowledge from Big Data  

Marcel Toulemonde – CIMAP (Université Caen Normadien), France 

Cooperation project: Technology, Energy and Natural Resources: New Paths to Sustainability  

Victor Champac – Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Mexico  

Cooperation project: Technological Advances for the Development of an Interconnected World.  

Damien Biau  Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France  

Cooperation project: Technology, Energy and Natural Resources: New Paths to Sustainability  

Jörg Nolt  Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany 

Cooperation project: Technological Advances for the Development of an Interconnected World. 

To find out about new calls for PUCRS-PrInt in the Visiting Professor in Brazil category, please visit the website or contact us by email: [email protected]. 


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