22/05/2024 - 14h48

Visiting professors at the Università della Svizzera italiana and York University through PrInt share experiences

Institutional Project of Internationalization accelerates global partnerships

The Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt), funded by Capes, creates opportunities for professors from the University to participate as visiting professors in foreign partner institutions, as well as to go on work missions abroad. Through this opportunity, research partnerships can be expanded, leading to significantly advance the development of social solutions. Get to know some of the researchers that carried out activities abroad during the first semester of 2024:

Distributed computing

Photo: personal archive

Researcher and professor from the School of Technology and the Graduate Program in Computer Science, Fernando Luis Dotti has a long-standing partnership with the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), in Switzerland. Since 2013, Dotti cooperates with professor Fernando Pedone. During this period, multiple research has been carried out, such as the creation of the research group involving USI, PUCRS, the University of Brasilia, the Federal University of Uberlândia and the Federal University of Santa Catarina, titled Dependable Distributed Computing.

In 2024, Dotti may spend some time in the Swiss university and can further strengthen the collaboration. “We are primarily furthering research results aiming at publishing in journals. During these almost three months there, we aligned three articles to submit to journals in the field of Distributed Computing. Naturally, we discussed new topics for collaboration, and I also got to know new colleagues from USI,” explains the researcher from PUCRS.

African anticolonialism

Photo: personal archive

Since 2019, researcher and professor from the School of Humanities and from the Graduate Programs in History and Sociology and Political Science, Marçal de Menezes Paredes, develops cooperation ties with York University (YorkU), in Canada, alongside professor José Carlos Curto. His research seeks to understand the anticolonialism scenario in Africa and link it to the Anglo-Saxon context, paying attention to the political movements in Canada and Commonwealth.

Between December 2023 and February 2024, he was a visiting professor in the Canadian university and had his activities guided by four principles. “The first is the research in the United Church of Canada file, where I have scanned over a thousand documents; the second is the research in the rest of the collection of the Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Southern Africa (TCLSAC), where I have gotten more than four thousand new documents; the third is the carrying out of recorded interviews with former militants of the TCLSAC, and finally, the fourth research front is learning of the presence, in Toronto, of Brazilian sociologist Herbert de Souza, known as Betinho, who lived some years in Toronto as a political exile,” explains the researcher.


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