04/07/2022 - 16h44

Session | The Modern Historiography of Africa: A North-American Look

Session to be delivered by York University professor José Carlos Curto

On Aug 3, 2022, at 10 AM, visiting professor, Dr. José Carlos Curto, from York University (Canada), will be delivering the presentation The Modern Historiography of Africa: A North-American Look on the Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt). The session will be delivered in Portuguese in Building 8, Room 305. No early registration is required.

The conference will address the rise of African History studies for researchers, faculty and students (both undergraduate and graduate) in an effort to pave the way for future investigations. The main goal of the session is to unveil possibilities for research in the history of the African continent. An almost exclusively English-speaking North American perspective will be used. The guest will present different historiographical schools, their main paradigms, as well as analytical perspectives.


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