26/11/2024 - 14h08

Researchers with experience abroad deepen their research at PUCRS

CAPES-PrInt Program promotes internationalization of graduate programs and research in the University

Through the Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt), supported by Capes, the creation of international research networks is encouraged, fostering the transformation of the processes of education and student and faculty qualification. Learn about some of the studies carried out and how this experience has contributed to the advance of their research.

Sociology of protests and policing

From the French university Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III, Matthijs Gardenier, young talent with experience abroad, visited PUCRS in order to establish transversal perspectives on specific contemporary migration issues in Brazil. “The program allowed me to broaden my research perspectives in Brazil, expanding characteristics that were, until now, centered in Europe,” explains the researcher.

The culture of Brazil and the approach to research were crucial aspects for his development at PUCRS. “I really enjoyed the culture of openness and debate in Brazilian universities, but I also appreciated specifically the decentralization and the openness I could achieve. Brazil is an extremely pleasant place to live in, but also fascinating for a sociologist,” he says.

Political strategy, discourse and imaginary

With a PhD from PUCRS’s School of Communication, Arts and Design, Arthur Groz, who works at the University of Montpellier, in France, studies the trans nationalization of the populist phenomenon. “I study this process as a political strategy, discourse and imaginary. I am particularly interested in Brazil, France, Greece, and Spain,” he explains.

Groz says that, during his postdoctoral internship in Brazil, this program was a fantastic opportunity to carry out a field study. “In Brazil, I met researchers with whom I was able to exchange perspectives on these research themes, which led to interesting collaborations and an opening to other academic approaches,” he says.

Education and technology

Enrickson Varsori, researcher at the Communication and Society Research Center (CECS) at the University of Minho and a young talent with experience abroad, is developing at PUCRS the project that aims to conceptualize education for uses in technology. During his time in Brazil, he published papers in journals and taught the intensive course titled “Digital technologies in scientific research” for the Graduate Program in Education.

Varsori believes his participation in the PrInt program will greatly impact his academic journey, and he has already joined research groups at PUCRS, supporting the internationalization of education. “The impact is caused by the status of the PrInt Program and the internationalization opportunities. An example of this is that I joined the Education and Violence Research Group and I am affiliated with PUCRS’s Center of Internationalization of Education Brazil – Australia,” explains the researcher.


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