Cooperation Project 5
Coordinator: Prof. Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet
Given the fact that technological revolutions have such profound consequences, one might think that they should be the focus on intense ethical deliberation and play a central role in the analysis of public policies of a common objective.
If there is so much into play, it seems necessary to make a consider amount of effort to make sure we make the right decisions. However, they share some of the features of the same global trends that make us envision a gloomy and challenging future ahead of us, but also point to trends and opportunities of choice that lead us to believe in more hopeful and safer futures.
In this sense, the projects developed in the academia are essential as are the joint efforts from Graduate Programs in several academic areas to face this issue in different aspects in a cross-sectional perspective.
The project “Technology and Society in a globalized world in crisis” will congregate the efforts from the Graduate Programs in Computer Science, Law, Social Communication, Business Administration and Letters to address this problem with the employment of their unique skills and insights.