22/04/2019 - 09h24

Project looks at historical issues, transculturalism and traumas

16/04/2019 - 14h42

Fernando Pedone came to PUCRS under PUCRS-PrInt

15/04/2019 - 14h03

Sandra Einloft presented PUCRS-PrInt opportunities at conference

15/04/2019 - 13h33

Meeting served to introduce the Institutional Project of Internationalization and benefits of PUCRS-PrInt

12/04/2019 - 13h53

Henry Cagnini takes part in project on knowledge extraction from big data

11/04/2019 - 08h57

Mírian Oliveira expected to continue working on cooperation projects with Portuguese institution

10/04/2019 - 10h28

Augusto Uberti to study relationship between microbial ureases and neurodegenerative diseases

09/04/2019 - 13h28

Priority areas and forthcoming actions under discussion

08/04/2019 - 17h39

PUCRS-PrInt conceived for internationalization of University's graduate programs

05/04/2019 - 11h15

Fernando Lopes Pedone develops research on reliable data management systems and other areas