Maximiliano Wilson will be staying at PUCRS for a month under PUCRS-PrInt
Soraia Raupp Musse paid visit to Sourbonne University Pierre and Marie Curie Paris (UPMC), in Paris
Carlos Moreira de Almeida will stay six months at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Event to occur on Jul 15, at 9 AM, in room 923, of Building 11
Registration for incoming and outgoing visiting professors and training programs abroad available until Jul 10
Antonio de Ruggiero went to University of Groningen, in Netherlands, and Universitá degli Studi del Molise, in Italy
Dr Claudia Musa Fay participated in congress and meetings at University of Groningen
André Pase attended congress and meetings in the USA
Josemara Rocha to do a course on survival analysis and longitudinal studies
Seminar by Cássia Trojahn brought graduate students together