09/01/2020 - 15h00

In 2019, 40 professors visited institutions abroad on PUCRS-PrInt

08/01/2020 - 08h15

Hector Morbidoni, from Universidad Nacional de Rosario, served as a Visiting Professor on PUCRS-PrInt

07/01/2020 - 17h28

Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology goes on Spain mission

07/01/2020 - 14h02

Arts et Métiers ParisTech researcher, France, came to PUCRS in December

06/01/2020 - 14h47

Denise Cantarelli Machado went to Italy on PUCRS-PrInt

03/01/2020 - 14h01

Tiago Lorenzini Cunha does doctoral internship under PUCRS-PrInt

27/12/2019 - 11h47

Grants to gain international experience in research

26/12/2019 - 15h41

Advised by Michel Koole, Caroline Machado Dartora went to KU Leuven

20/12/2019 - 14h20

Cristina Moriguchi Jeckel went to University of Groningen on PUCRS-PrInt