Guilherme Araújo Pimentel went to Université de Mons under PUCRS-PrInt
Angelo Brandelli Costa developed activities at Universität Duisburg-Essen
Soraia Raupp Musse paid visit to Sourbonne University Pierre and Marie Curie Paris (UPMC), in Paris
Antonio de Ruggiero went to University of Groningen, in Netherlands, and Universitá degli Studi del Molise, in Italy
Dr Claudia Musa Fay participated in congress and meetings at University of Groningen
André Pase attended congress and meetings in the USA
Dr Ingo Sarlet attended meetings in Hamburg and Bremen
Luciano de Abreu developed activities at Catholic University of America
Maria Isabel Bellini went to Queensland University of Technology and WADEM Congress 2019
Renata Vieira is at University of Edinburgh