

1. Students

1.1 Attendance

According to the existing laws, students must keep an attendance record of a minimum of 75% in each course. Hence, we would like to reinforce that it is important that you keep the number of absences to a minimum in order not to fail the course.

Excuse for absences in special cases: if students fail to keep a minimum mandatory attendance in any of the courses, they should report it to the School of Medicine immediately.

Sick leave: Medical certificates must be submitted to the School of Medicine in order to be valid as an absence excuse in the specific dates students missed class. However, the certificates will only be used as an excuse to students’ absences. Then it will fall to the professors to assign an exam, an additional paper and/or any other type of activity that had been done in class on the dates the students missed them. Additionally, in case students miss an exam, they will have the chance to re-take it on another date, under the category “special exam”.

Specific academic events (Congresses, symposia, etc.): students’ absences may be excused at the professor’s discretion. However, a certificate of attendance must be presented in order for students to have their absences excused.

Extracurricular activities: absences will not be excused or exam dates moved back/up if they fall on the same date.

Absence Justification: There are specific conditions that will justify students’ absences:

  • Decree-Act 1044/69 – on exceptional treatment to be given to infirmed students.
  • Act 6202/75 – on pregnant women, delivery and quarantine.
  • Decree-Act 715/69 – on military service.
  • Act 9615/98 – on the participation of students in official international sports competitions representing their country.
  • Act 5869/73 – on students being summoned to court.

Decree-Act 715/69 solely relates to mandatory military service and will not apply for Armed Forces professionals, Police Officers, etc. The Medical Certificate must contain the medical doctor’s stamp and signature and a statement certifying that the student was not able to attend class due to an infirmity or any other reason that justified their absence for 15 consecutive days or more. A certificate of a regular medical appointment will not be valid to justify absences.

Important notice: Although the aforementioned items may apply, students’ absences will not be excused. How to proceed: Students must come to the Administrative Office of the School of Medicine within up to 5 (five) days after the end date of the leave as stated in their certificate. Students will be sent a notification by email at the moment they submit their certificates to justify / excuse their absences and once an analysis is conducted by the School’s Deans, both the students and Professors listed in the document will be notified by email ([email protected]).


Remedial Exam (PS)

A comprehensive Remedial Exam (PS) will be offered after the submission of students’ final grades but between the Final Exam for students who miss any of the tests/papers due to any of the following reasons:

1 – Sick leave on the day of the test;

2 – Death of a closely related family member;

3 – Presentation of paper in events (upon presentation of a certificate since the attendance per se will not be used as a valid justification).


1.2 Completion of the Undergraduate Degree

Students who complete all credits of the program, including mandatory internships and complementary activities will be eligible for receiving the degree.


2. Other

Further information about events, curriculum, faculty or course calendars will be available on this website. – Our classrooms are considered no cell phone zones. Hence, students must turn them off in class. In addition to avoiding problems in the course of the instruction, this policy ensures an atmosphere of respect and proper conduct towards classmates and professors. – During recess, students must remain as quiet as possible in the hallways in order not to disturb other classes in progress. Hence, this ensures an atmosphere of respect with professors and / or students from other classes.


Mandatory Internship

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How to Apply

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