
Algorithms and Criminal Sciences
COD Workload Description
192EQ-02 30 Technopolitics is an interdisciplinary discipline under construction with origins in European academia that is strategic to the Social and Legal Sciences. Developed jointly with other institutions and academic academic contexts around the world since our international consortium led by the University of Seville Seville, Spain, and through my project Technopolitics, funded by the European Commission through the MSCA H2020 program, the international seminar presented supposes an opportunity to have access to innovative "frontier" knowledge on the topic, for graduate students and the academic community of PUCRS.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Alternative Forms of Social Control and Violence Prevention
COD Workload Description
1929P-02 30 Consistent with the description present in the research line "Violence, Crime and Public Safety", the discipline seeks to overcome a merely repressive and punitive approach to social control, and, in particular, to violence prevention actions, starting from a multidisciplinary understanding of such phenomena, as well as from the understanding that the problem of violence points to structural dimensions of social relations and spreads in its various systems and spheres of existence, with both local and regional, national, international and global scope. The scope described above includes mechanisms and processes of Transitional Justice and Restorative Justice, Preventive Public Security Policies, Public Policies of Education for Citizenship and Social Insertion, Measures of Democratic Deepening, and, likewise, criminological strands such as that of State Crimes and Crimes of the Powerful, which address the Social Harms produced by legal or illegal actions of States and large private companies and corporations, envisioning a plurality of approaches and measures of confrontation and prevention that go far beyond the repressive sphere.
Professors Home time Lattes
JOSE CARLOS MOREIRA DA SILVA FILHO 15 years and 9 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Control
COD Workload Description
192BC-02 30 New technologies (artificial intelligence, big data, biotechnology, among others). The impact of new technologies on state control of different social groups: face recognition, profiling, mass surveillance and predictive policing. Criminal repression, criminal justice and automated decision-making (ADM) systems. National and supranational regulation and International and Domestic Courts decisions of the Global North, specially from European Union, and perspectives for Global South.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Basic texts of a Critical Sociology of Law
COD Workload Description
19268-02 30 Reading and discussion of fundamental texts of the sociology of German law. Treaties will be authors such as Max Weber, Eugen Ehrlich, Manfred Rehbinder, Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, Hauke Brunkhorst and Axel Honneth. Methodology: Excerpts from texts will be read and discussed together in the context of the work of the respective author.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
1929S-02 30 Study of the validity, meaning and contemporary trends of criminal attribution and its theoretical-dogmatic structure, through the analysis, legally-constitutionally compromised, of the current foundation proposals. Analysis of the foundations and assumptions of the main theories, as well as alternative theoretical propositions and their resonance in the most varied levels of penal normativity, having as reference the context and the new challenges of the technical-digital era.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
1929E-02 30 The course aims to provide the student with an introductory understanding of the main intrinsic aspects of Compliance, advancing to the study of Compliance in Brazil: Compliance in ABNT-ISO 30.701:2021; Compliance in the Anti-Corruption Law, in its regulation and in accordance with the typical provisions of the Brazilian Penal Code; Compliance in the Money Laundering Law; compliance risks in legal and accounting activities in view of the crime of money laundering; fundamental lines for the elaboration of a compliance program with attention to criminal risks; and other pertinent topics. Therefore, the focus will be on concepts, knowledge and necessary instruments that can help professionals working in the Compliance area in the development of their functions.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
1929C-02 30 Starting with the delimitation of the concepts of penal system and criminal policy (also going through the debate about the foundations of the penalty), the discipline aims to study, in the space related to them and within the framework of the Democratic State of Law, both the state performance in accordance with fundamental rights as that which challenges these same rights. Having made this identification, it proceeds to examine the possibilities of judicialization of the observed violations, implying the study of judicial intervention and its limits, including the going beyond known as judicial activism. Further on, from a proposal to classify the fundamental rights of people deprived of liberty, it will investigate the effective functioning of the prison system and the need to implement a material parameter for analyzing the feasibility of incarceration (the humanitarian exequibility of incarceration). In closing, resuming the idea of judicial activism, bringing the North American experience together and evaluating the movements already carried out by our Supreme Court, it will discuss the judicial interventions that are still possible in view of the serious scenario of hyperincarceration experienced in Brazil. Furthermore, in the context of the themes of these discussions, the scope of the discipline includes approaches that intend to assess how technological advances can bring relevant impacts. Thus, for example: in a better understanding of the neuronal process involving the judicial decision, notably that of stipulation of penalties, including at the level of the effects of any interactions, such as that provided by greater or lesser empathy in relation to the defendant, to also consider multiple cuts, such as ethnic, racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious option, ideology, etc; in the possibilities of automating the process of measuring the deprivation of liberty in criminal sentences; in the implementation of new alternative penalties; in the modernization of the spaces for the execution of the deprivation of liberty sentence; etc.
Professors Home time Lattes
RODRIGO MORAES DE OLIVEIRA 23 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Challenges, trends and innovation in criminal law. Looking for new paths
COD Workload Description
192BD-02 30 Study of the main problems and challenges of criminal law in our time, as well as the conformation tendencies in dogmatic-structural and political-criminal terms. It seeks to analyze, in a critical and scientifically founded way, the capacity of reaction of contemporary criminal law in the face of the conflicts of today's society - marked, among other things, by the strong advance of technology -, identifying the most diverse plans of foundation and orientation, as well as the possibility of alternative and innovative ways of dealing with criminal conflicts.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
COD Workload Description
52456-02 30 The subject situates the structures of criminal law and criminal procedure of the main foreign criminal law systems in the Brazilian legal system, allowing a critical analysis of the proximity and the distance to the Brazilian system. In this perspective, the international legal instruments and the decisions of the International Courts on human rights are inserted, as fundamental contributions to the theoretical and instrumental criticism of the contemporary legal-criminal systems.The course studies how criminal legal systems conform to the perspectives of the United Nations Agenda 2030, to a greater or lesser extent.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Contemporary Criminology and Sociology of Violence
COD Workload Description
1929Q-02 30 The discipline presents key topics of the contemporary criminological debate, both in the Anglo-Saxon, continental European and Latin American context. It correlates these topics with the development of the Sociology of Violence in Brazil, seeking to present its context of emergence, development and consolidation, its theoretical-methodological specificities and the state of the art in research on crime, police, justice and punishment in Brazil.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Systems: Networks, Times and Expectations
COD Workload Description
192AE-01 15 Based on the present debate about the place of legal-criminal mechanisms in the framework of complex and trans-normative societies, this course studies the levels of interaction between logical-formal mechanisms and intuitive mechanisms, as well as the new challenges (digitalization of experience; political and legal mobilization of social expectations; tension between acceleration and brakes; reformulation of limits and rights) brought to the criminal field by contemporaneity.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Contemporary criminal procedural systems
COD Workload Description
1929M-02 30 Place of the Judge, impartiality and cognitive dissonance. Time and Risk in criminal proceedings. Expansion of plea bargaining. Neuroscience and criminal evidence. Legal epistemology of proof, truth and admissibility control. Online courts and artificial intelligence. Criminal decision, judging robots and subjectivity control.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Crimes of the Powerful - Social Harms and State-Corporate Crime
COD Workload Description
1925F-01 15 A study of hermeneutics and legal argumentation based on the relation between language, society, diversity and violences, linked to the signification process, as a result of the legal interpretation through the plurarity of artistic expression interfaces.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Crimes of the Powerful - Social Harms and State-Corporate Crime
COD Workload Description
1929T-02 30 A study of hermeneutics and legal argumentation based on the relation between language, society, diversity and violences, linked to the signification process, as a result of the legal interpretation through the plurarity of artistic expression interfaces.
Professors Home time Lattes
CLARICE BEATRIZ DA COSTA SOHNGEN 20 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Crimes of the Powerful - Social Harms and State-Corporate Crime
COD Workload Description
1925D-01 15 The course aims to deepen the analysis of criminological currents related to the Crimes of the Powerful, from a critical and contextualized approach in Latin America, with emphasis on state-corporate criminality. It is intended to go through the debate around a sociological concept of crime from the category of social harms; to deepen the contours around the criminality of the big national and transnational corporations; to debate the problem of accountability of corporate agents for gross violations of human rights and complicity with authoritarian political processes from a transitional justice perspective; and to situate the context of state-corporate criminality in the scenario of neoliberalism and intense economic deregulation, focusing more on its impacts in the Latin American region
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminal Law and the Constitution
COD Workload Description
192EL-02 30 The course aims to offer a critical view of the constitutional foundations of criminal law and the deep imbrication of the respective principles and guarantees within the framework of the democratic rule of law. Specifically, it aims to provide an interdisciplinary approach, with emphasis on the paradigmatic transition in the face of interculturality, globalization, innovation and techno-scientific acceleration (from liberal-individualism to the diffuse and collective interests of the contemporary State and the information society). Taking into account the place of the Constitution as the cornerstone of the legal system, the course situates the impacts of the current conceptions and challenges of criminal legality, reviewing the jus puniendi and its constitutional limits and, especially, the tensions between democracy, conceptions of the legal-penal good and freedom of expression. It also delves into the problem of guilt in search of the penal sanction proportional to the injustice.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminal Procedure in the Digital Age
COD Workload Description
1929A-02 30 The course seeks to understand and analyze the impacts of technological innovations of the digital age in the context of the criminal system, especially in the prosecution, processing, trial and administration of criminal justice. The effects of innovation, new technologies, neuroscience and digitalization are analyzed from the perspective of criminal investigation, search, storage and preservation of evidence, processing, trial and execution of criminal sanctions, with critical and constructive contributions to a criminal system that protects fundamental rights and freedoms.
Professors Home time Lattes
NEREU JOSE GIACOMOLLI 18 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminal Science Research Seminar
COD Workload Description
1929J-02 30 The course intends to present the main theoretical and methodological contributions to the development of research in the field of Criminal Sciences, taking into account the need to incorporate transdisciplinarity for approaching research problems. From an epistemological foundation of scientific research, and the delimitation of the different research objects that are located in the field of Criminal Sciences, the structure of the research project and the main theoretical-methodological approaches will be presented. The main quantitative and qualitative research techniques, their limits and their usefulness for criminal-juridical and criminological studies will also be presented.
Professors Home time Lattes
RODRIGO GHIRINGHELLI DE AZEVEDO 21 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminal process and accusatory system in Brazil
COD Workload Description
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminological Theories and Epistemology of Violence
COD Workload Description
1929K-02 30 The course aims to analyze the main contemporary criminological theories, inserting them in the perspective of current society, as well as evaluating the mechanisms of social control and the issue of violence, understanding deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, emphasizing aspects legal-political and their interfaces. Finally, it aims to introduce the student to the advances in neurocriminology, as well as the new uses of technology and social control.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminological Thought I: theory and criticism
COD Workload Description
192BF-02 30 The course seeks to analyze the path of formation of criminological ideas, investigating, from several angles, the social processes that allowed the flourishing of different strands and several ways of expression of criminology. It seeks to analyze, in a comprehensive way, the distinct political and cultural movements responsible for the construction of the critical criminological discourse, as well as to investigate the rightness or wrongness of the announcement of the death of critical criminology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminological Thought II: contemporary perspectives of criminology
COD Workload Description
192BG-02 30 The course aims to provide the student with an in-depth study of contemporary criminological perspectives. Based on the hypothesis of fragmentation of contemporary criminological discourse, it aims to investigate the different shades that criminological thought assumes, with special emphasis on the conditions of emergence that authorize the formation of certain knowledge. The subject tries to analyze if there is really the flourishing of new criminological discourses or if there is just a mere updating of already known criminological theses.
Professors Home time Lattes
RICARDO JACOBSEN GLOECKNER 14 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Criminology Policy (Criminology, Punitive Culture and Philosophical Criticism
COD Workload Description
1929F-02 30 There is no criminology that is not political. However, going beyond a mere "criminological policy" or even a "criminal policy", this class aims to present the criminology policy as a place of permanent critical intervention on the punitive power and against which there is a way of doing politics through the practices of resistance to the government of punishment."
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Economic Criminal Law
COD Workload Description
22444-02 30 To follow are the topics this course will address: Constitution, Criminal Law and Economic and Financial Order; Law and Economics; State and Market; Economic and Criminal Policy; Contemporary economic crime: the legal and criminal intervention in the milestones of corporate society; Concept and criticism; Economic crimes in kind; Crimes against the economic and tax order; Crimes against the national financial system; Money laundering; Insider trading; New instruments for state control (legal-sanctioning) of corporate activities; Anti-corruption laws; Financial institutions: regulation and self-regulation.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Epistemology of Contemporary Criminal Procedure Law
COD Workload Description
52458-02 30 The course aims to analyze the epistemology of Criminal Procedural Law, verticalizing the critical study on the foundations of the action-jurisdiction-process trinity, providing theoretical substrate for the reconstruction and rethinking of contemporary criminal procedural law, especially in light of the inexorable expansion of the plea bargaining. From an evidential perspective, it intends to analyze its epistemology, as well as the place of truth in the criminal process and the tension between the epistemic commitment to the rules of due process. Regarding the criminal decision, it focuses on the problem of decisionism and the growing insertion of artificial intelligence in the criminal justice administration system and the structuring of online courts.
Professors Home time Lattes
AURY CELSO LIMA LOPES JUNIOR 24 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Fundamentals of Contemporary Criminal Law. Elements, Limits and Trends of the Doctrine of Crime
COD Workload Description
1929L-02 1 Study of the structuring elements of the general doctrine of criminal offense, based on contemporary social transformations and the new challenges of the digital and technological world. The formal and material configuration of the crime and the current foundation, meaning and function of Criminal Law in the Democratic and Constitutional State of Law.
Professors Home time Lattes
FABIO ROBERTO DAVILA 21 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Gender and Criminal Sciences: scientific evidence as a partner in access to Justice
COD Workload Description
192EN-02 30 The course Gender and Criminal Sciences: scientific evidence as a partner in access to Justice analyzes the myth of legal neutrality of Criminal Law. Through theoretical and practical classes centered on Ibero-American scientific evidence, the main objective is to approach the students to the transformations from the introduction of the gender category in the scope of Criminal Sciences. The meetings are organized in four thematic areas: 1) Gender Violence; 2) Offender Program; 3) Women in prison and 4) Hate crimes against the LGBTIQ+ population. Knowing the scientific advances produced in this area favors access to justice for vulnerable groups.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
History of Criminal Thoughts I
COD Workload Description
1929H-02 30 The discipline seeks to present the formation of ideas and fundamental themes which go through, in a interdisciplinary way, criminology, criminal politics and criminal dogmatics between the end of XIX century until half of XX Century. It intends do trace the historiographic and juridical pathways which culminated in establishing main criminal sciences categories, taking as it’s backdrop the presentation of political arrays in which those categories adhere.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
History of Criminal Thoughts II
COD Workload Description
1929N-02 30 The discipline intends to verticalize the formation of some criminal ideas, from criminology and criminal politics to penal and criminal procedure dogmatics. It intends to identify the construction of criminological, criminal politics and dogmatics categories from the end of XX century to the first decades of XXI century.
Professors Home time Lattes
RICARDO JACOBSEN GLOECKNER 14 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192AD-01 15 1. Theory of Legal Cooperation International legal cooperation: civil, administrative and criminal. Legal cooperation: judicial and police. Legal cooperation: vertical and horizontal. Principles of international legal cooperation. Intergovernmentalism, Assimilation, Harmonization, Mutual Recognition. 2. International Legal Cooperation Systems National, European, South American, Lusophone and International. Judicial and Police Cooperation. Competent authorities 3. Instruments of International Legal Cooperation Extradition. Delivery Warrant to the International Criminal Court. Sentence Recognition. European Arrest Warrant. European Investigation Decision. Joint Crime Prevention and Investigation Teams. Transmission of Cases and Transfer of Convicted Persons. Means of Obtaining Evidence: seizures and freezing (and forfeiture) of the proceeds and advantages of crime. Hidden means of criminal investigation within the scope of international legal cooperation. Enforcement of Coercive Measures in the State of Residence. 4. Fundamental Rights and Guarantees Do due process of law. Rights, freedoms and fundamental guarantees of the person concerned. Right to effective defense and lawyer. Criminal procedural rights within the framework of international legal cooperation: v. g., the right of opposition, the right of appeal and the right to a retrial. Of the decisions of the superior courts.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192DA-02 30 1. Theory of Legal Cooperation International legal cooperation: civil, administrative and criminal. Legal cooperation: judicial and police. Legal cooperation: vertical and horizontal. Principles of international legal cooperation. Intergovernmentalism, Assimilation, Harmonization, Mutual Recognition. 2. International Legal Cooperation Systems National, European, South American, Lusophone and International. Judicial and Police Cooperation. Competent authorities 3. Instruments of International Legal Cooperation Extradition. Delivery Warrant to the International Criminal Court. Sentence Recognition. European Arrest Warrant. European Investigation Decision. Joint Crime Prevention and Investigation Teams. Transmission of Cases and Transfer of Convicted Persons. Means of Obtaining Evidence: seizures and freezing (and forfeiture) of the proceeds and advantages of crime. Hidden means of criminal investigation within the scope of international legal cooperation. Enforcement of Coercive Measures in the State of Residence. 4. Fundamental Rights and Guarantees Do due process of law. Rights, freedoms and fundamental guarantees of the person concerned. Right to effective defense and lawyer. Criminal procedural rights within the framework of international legal cooperation: v. g., the right of opposition, the right of appeal and the right to a retrial. Of the decisions of the superior courts.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192BB-02 30 1. Theory of Legal Cooperation 2. International Legal Cooperation Systems 3. Instruments of International Legal Cooperation 4. Fundamental Rights and Guarantees 5. The phenomenon of transnational organized crime and the frontiers of legal cooperation 6. International treaties against transnational organized crime 7. Organized crime and the phenomenon of terrorism, corruption, human trafficking and aiding illegal immigration 8. Instrumental societies: corporate crime and organized crime 9. Standardization and normative application in the Brazilian legal system 10. Criminal policies within the framework of international legal cooperation for the prevention and repression of transnational organized crime
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
1929R-02 30 The course aims to provide students with a broad critical training in Latin American criminological studies, with special emphasis on the current criminological debate. It also aims to highlight the most important schools and their most relevant consequences in the construction of a Latin American criminological knowledge, in addition to allowing the identification of paradigm shifts and the conformation of historically determined ideologies. Finally, it aims to introduce the student to the advances in neurocriminology in the Latin American context, as well as the new uses of technology and social control
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Medical Criminal Law and New Technologies
COD Workload Description
192AC-02 30 The course aims to reflect on the legal and criminal aspects arising from technological innovations in medicine, from an interdisciplinary perspective, seeking to analyze and discuss the related crimes and medical criminal liability.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Modern Reason, Criminal Jurisdiction and Artificial Intelligence
COD Workload Description
1929B-02 30 Study of the construction of scientific knowledge and the crisis of modern rationality, as a basis for the analysis of jurisdiction in the adjective criminal law, as well as the reflections of this study, from the formation to the crisis of the State, with an emphasis on the relationship between reason and modernity; in the jurisdictional activity developed in criminal proceedings based on its main characteristics; on the various issues involved in the court decision and its cognitive aspects; as well as the dialogues and challenges that arise from the advances in Artificial Intelligence.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Philosophical Assumptions of Criminal Law
COD Workload Description
1929G-02 30 The problem of natural law and jusnaturalism; positive law and legal positivism; the relationship between law (convention) and nature; the foundation of law; the relationship between law and philosophy; the relationship between philosophy and criminal law; the relationship between ethics and criminal law
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Philosophical Foundations of Criminal-Sciences I
COD Workload Description
1929I-02 30 This class aims to present the main reflective bases for a philosophical approach to criminal sciences. In an interdisciplinary way, it is essential to verify the meaning that the phenomenon of violence itself can take and the necessary ethical inquiry in studies on the supreme issue of justice (criminal), especially since its contemporary developments in punitive practices and the knowledge involved in them
Professors Home time Lattes
AUGUSTO JOBIM DO AMARAL 12 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Philosophical Foundations of Criminal-Sciences II
COD Workload Description
1929O-02 30 This class aims at an advanced philosophical reflection on the foundations of criminal sciences. In the horizon of contemporary punitive practices, the ways of exercising punitive power occupy a special place in a society of control. Thus, in an interdisciplinary way, it is essential to verify the theoretical-practical implications of the current states of violence, whether from the emerging regimes of veracity in criminal proceedings or from new forms of criminal prediction and modulation of criminal decision - hence to delineate the main contours of the digitally affected criminal sciences
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Plea Bargaining System
COD Workload Description
192BE-02 30 1. Legality, opportunity and consensus in Criminal Justice 2. Plea bargaining 3. Fundamentals 4 . Alternative mechanisms in other legal systems: Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal 5. Brazilian legal system: non-prosecution agreement; agreement on criminal sanction; civil agreement preventing criminal proceedings; collaboration; probation
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Psychopathology, violence and deviant behavior: an introduction to psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience.
COD Workload Description
192DD-02 30 Origin of the brain and its development in the life cycle. Introduction to psychopathology. History of psychiatric classifications. Personality development and personality disorders. Mood disorders and psychotic disorders. Normative behavior and deviant behavior. Introduction to forensic psychiatry. Definition and characterization of psychopathy. Memory and false memories. Anatomy of violence and the biological basis of deviant behavior.
Professors Home time Lattes
LUCAS SPANEMBERG 6 years and 4 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Readings of Diversity: criminological interfaces
COD Workload Description
192TB-02 30 The course aims to present students with literary works from various social and political contexts around the world, exploring diverse cultural perspectives to demystify stereotypes and avoid the propagation of single narratives about different peoples. Additionally, the works will be related to studies in criminal sciences to consolidate theoretical content, promoting a comprehensive understanding of social and legal dynamics.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Master's Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Doctorate Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Master's Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
The State and Theories of Justice This line of research addresses the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of the theories of justice from scholars such as Immanuel Kant, John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, as well as their different critical and alternative views in communitarian and utilitarian theories.
Ethics Principles This line of research addresses the central issues of Ethics as they have been conceived over time and under the systematic aspect, in view of scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant and others. The relationship between practical and theoretical reason is a central area.
Phenomenology and Hermeneutics This line of research is intended to analyze the classical theories of knowledge under the perspective of the philosophers of phenomenology, which has been the norm in Europe for almost a century and has representatives all over the world.
Philosophy in the Middle Ages This line of research addresses philosophers of the Middle Ages.
Analytic Epistemology This line of research addresses the fundamental topics of contemporary Epistemology: theories of knowledge, theories of epistemic rationality, skepticism and epistemic paradoxes.
Restorative Justice
COD Workload Description
192AB-01 15 The subject addresses the development and stages of consolidation of restorative justice, the legal mechanisms existing in different countries and criticisms of its different practices. It revisits the foundations of restorative justice and conducts a study of different countries that provide it in their legal systems, and evaluates the possible legal and social impacts of its implementation in the Brazilian criminal justice. It problematizes the contemporary phenomenon of penal populism and contextualizes restorative justice as an opposed model to the hardening of criminal law. Finally, it points to different perspectives for the application of restorative practices.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
STATE CRIMES IN THE SOUTHERN CONE. Continuities and ruptures between.
COD Workload Description
192TA-02 30 The Discipline deals with State Violence, analyzing its characteristics in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. In these countries, cases of violence and abuse by police and security forces had been linked to crimes committed during the civil-military dictatorships of the 1970s and 1980s, having been denounced by victims' associations and human rights organizations before and after its perpetration. However, since the return to democracy, the same state agencies have been repeatedly pointed out as responsible for abuses, in particular, for exercising illegal violence against certain sectors of the population In this context, the directly political or political-ideological character associated with the Cold War and the "fight against subversion" fades away, and police violence acquires characteristics more similar to those found in other parts of the world. Studies on the police show that the illegal exercise of violence in the police function is a structural characteristic, the nature and intensity of which varies from case to case. In this context, and recovering the repertoires of collective action built by those who denounced the dictatorship, family associations and other organizations arise directly oriented towards the critique of police abuses that politicize cases of ordinary violence, whose ideological meaning lies in the selective exercise over singular populations in terms of class, age and race. During the course we will analyze 1) the category of State Crime and the traditional legal responses to them; 2) We will approach a critical reading of the concept and legal mechanisms, incorporating a perspective that allows us to identify and discuss racist and patriarchal characteristics; 3) Its continuities and ruptures between the past of civil-military dictatorships and the present in the Southern Cone; 4) Activism against State Violence; 5) As a conclusion, we will select some recent “emblematic cases” in Brazil, Argentina and Chile that will be presented in a seminar by the students.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Social Control, Criminal Justice and Democracy – Brazil, Argentina and Canada
COD Workload Description
192BA-02 30 The subject intends to discuss different legal regimes of social control, different from or complementary to criminal justice. From the comparison between the Canadian, Argentine and Brazilian contexts, we seek to identify cases of institutionalized social control over social protests, immigration, substance use, etc., seeking to establish the similarities and differences between the three countries and the largest or less enforcement of criminal justice or other control strategies or mechanisms. It is also intended to analyze the relationship between incarceration and other punitive strategies (criminal alternatives) in the three countries.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
Transitional Justice and Critical Theory of Human Rights
COD Workload Description
1929D-02 30 Unfolding the themes and approaches present in the research line "Violence, Crime and Public Safety", the theme of transitional justice and its importance in the preventive dimension of violence in society is revealed. Starting from the theoretical notions around the memory of victims and the confrontation with legacies of violence established in a particularly marked way in authoritarian periods or of institutional involvement in the practice of massive violence, the course intends to bring the basic aspects related to the theme, especially the notions of right to truth and memory, reparation, accountability for the practice of crimes against humanity, and institutional reforms, always analyzing such vectors in the context of experiences and concrete situations related to the international sphere and the various national contexts, especially dealing with the experiences developed in Latin America. Beyond a merely descriptive reading of the justransitional debate, the course also intends to build a critical look based on the theoretical framework of the Critical Theory of Human Rights, developed around the work of Joaquin Herrera Flores, also seeking to build conceptual bridges with the theories of coloniality and with the critical framework of Law Found on the Street.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192TH-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192TL-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192TK-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192UA-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192TG-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192TI-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.
COD Workload Description
192TJ-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Master's Not required
Criminal Justice System and Violence Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Contemporary Legal-Criminal Justice Systems This line of research is intended to investigate the contemporary criminal justice systems from a critical analysis of criminal law and criminal procedure, by investigating the different forms of violation/protection of rights of the human person.
Violence, Crime and Public Safety This line of research is intended to look at the issue of violence from a broader perspective, from deviant behavior and its socio-environmental, individual and institutional variables, to the violence produced at and by the institutions responsible for controlling it, thus embracing, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the several criminological, legal-political, psychiatric, psychoanalytical, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches. Similarly, it is intent on assessing alternative forms of social control, public security policies, criminal policies, transitional justice and violence prevention mechanisms, as well as instruments for reduction of damages caused by its multiple forms.