LABELO presents case from ISO/IEC 17025:2017 on X ENOAC
The Laboratory highlighted the preparation and conduct of the assessment.
LABELO was present at the “X National conformity assessment bodies meeting” (ENOAC). On the third day of the event, Carlos José Rupp Bindé Junior, development and quality coordinator, went on stage to lecture on the case of LABELO in relation to the evaluations in the new version of ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17025: 2017.
The General Coordination for Accreditation from Inmetro (Cgcre) invited the LABELO to present the results of one of the first assessment carried out in the new version of the standard, in order to assist the other laboratories in their preparation and to bring a laboratory view about this process as a everything.

Mr. Bindé exhibited the experiences of the internal analysis stage for the restructuring of the management system of the LABELO. In addition, he shared the new opportunities within a more dynamic and challenging scenario. “Through our participation in the mirror group for review and translation of the standard, we have been given an important internal discussion and with this objective that we present at the event. A way of how to migrate your Management System “says the representative. For him, the key to success was present “in the engagement and interaction between LABELO´s team to understand the philosophy of the new standard”.