13/04/2018 - 14h54 - Por: Victor Alves

Partnership between FIJO and LABELO promotes new external courses

Training on the new version of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard and noise measurement marked the week.

During the second week of April, two trainings through the partnership between the José Otão Foundation (FIJO) were offered to external institutions. Professionals from different areas attended the training on updating the ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard and environmental noise measurement.

On July 9 and 10, the collaborator Ana Lúcia Alves D. dos Santos traveled to São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, to teach an in-company course related to the interpretation of ISO/IEC 17025:2017. “They wanted an update of the standard,” explains the quality professional. Divided in two days, all items of the standard were conducted and presented to the laboratory staff. “For them, this training is essential to the activities, so they were attentive”, celebrates.

Last Thursday (15), it was the turn of professionals from the areas of engineering, architecture and environment to receive a training, in building 2 of PUCRS. Eng. Carlos José Rupp Bindé Junior, coordinator of development and quality, was the lecturer of the Acoustics – Environmental noise assessment in inhabited areas according to the standard ABNT NBR 10151:2000. Aspects of the new version of the standard that has recently been publicly reviewed were also addressed.

Also in April, new trainings are offered thanks to the partnership. On 23 and 24, a new training regarding the interpretation of NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is offered for professionals who wish to implement the maintenance of Quality Systems in laboratories of tests and calibrations. To register, go to the FIJO website .


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