02/04/2018 - 14h44

Reference in the modernization of public lighting is highlighted among municipalities

Event discussed the challenges and opportunities in the modernization of LED public lighting.

Last Tuesday (27) the workshop Challenges and ways for the modernization of Public Lighting Systems in Brazil mobilized more than 120 participants from municipal governments and entities relevant to the theme. The initiative of the Center for Excellence in Public Lighting (CEIP) presented three panels that shared technical bases, challenges of large and small city halls, modernization and financing possibilities for public lighting projects.

Photo Alexandre Dombrowski

Photo Alexandre Dombrowski

“This is a very relevant issue for society,” says Israel Dulcimar Teixeira, director of LABELO, at the start of the workshop. On the stage, representatives from Inmetro and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt ( PTB ) from Germany, celebrated the importance of supporting the event. “Public lighting benefits the safety, leisure and beauty of the locals,” says Gabrielle Cassol. In the middle of the three panels, different institutions expressive in the theme were present to dialogue with city halls, in order to exchange experience and present practical examples.

Luciano Haas Rosito, from Cobei , reviewed the workshop from a long-term result. Member of LABELO in 2006, he was one of the founders of CEIP. “I am very happy to see that the seed planted back there, with the creation of the CEIP, is yielding this type of fruit,” he says, also with the presence in the presence of city halls of several states of the country. Leonardo Rocha, of Inmetro, highlights the partnership of the organizers of the event to deliver technical and legal mechanisms for municipalities to promote the modernization of the park of lighting. “The municipalities have to understand the whole project as an opportunity to guide them to overcome the barriers”.

The second panel also drew a lot of attention from participants, where Cristal prefecture explained the challenges in setting up the consortium of small municipalities to seek private partnerships in their region. The theme of PPP was also addressed in the presentations of the city of Porto Alegre.

The possibilities of financing projects for the modernization of public lighting were the main highlights of the last panel.Luciano Giovanelli, from Eletrobrás , pointed out the results of the Procel Reluz Public Call. “Focus on the part of the results,” he says. Osmar Lima, a representative of BNDES , went further in explaining the current BNDES movements.“We want to show examples. And an example is only built with results. “ He also highlights the interesting mobilization that Rio Grande do Sul has in the theme. “We have a consortium with 17 municipalities, but we are advancing to 19.”

“Brazil needs to start somewhere. Public lighting is this place, “says Osmar. A major move towards the modernization of public lighting parks was achieved. Participants from different social segments caused a discussion that goes beyond the workshop. Isac Roizenblatt, technical director of Abilux , joined the audience alongside official representatives of the municipalities. “The return to the prefectures was fundamental”, evaluates Giovanelli, when commenting on the indicated practical results. The change, according to the representative of Eletrobrás, walks so that new objectives can be reached.The knowledge, for Rosito, has been expanded to everyday application of work in public lighting management. With new strands, possibilities and broadening of experiences, Israel, at the beginning of the workshop, glimpsed what the event would represent to the public lighting circuit: “Today is a milestone for Rio Grande do Sul.”


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