Sampling and in situ Analyses

Sampling and in situ Analyses

Water sampling involves the collection of representative portions of water for various types of analyses. IPR conducts different sampling methodologies using techniques and equipment accredited under a quality system structured and certified according to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. The equipment includes low-flow devices, probes for in situ monitoring of physicochemical parameters, and tools for collecting materials for physicochemical and microbiological analyses.

Types of Sampling

  1. Surface Water Sampling
    Surface water includes rivers, lakes, streams, reservoirs, and ponds. Sampling from these bodies requires attention to factors such as:
  • Temporal Variation: Conditions like rainfall and drought can significantly impact results.
  • Strategic Locations: Selecting representative sites is essential for capturing the overall quality of the water body.
  • Specific Methods: Sampling may involve immersion bottles, automatic samplers, or instrumented buoys for continuous monitoring.
  1. Groundwater Sampling
    Groundwater is found in aquifers, which can be accessed through wells. Sampling this type of water requires specific techniques to avoid contamination or interference, such as:
  • Well Purging: Removal of stagnant water before collection, ensuring a representative sample from the aquifer.
  • Use of Appropriate Equipment: Submersible pumps and low-flow devices are often employed to minimize changes in sample composition.
  • In Situ Parameter Monitoring: Portable equipment measures factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, and temperature directly at the site.

Available Services

  • Surface water sampling
  • Groundwater sampling from monitoring wells
  • Groundwater sampling from determined volume monitoring wells


  1. Water quality monitoring, including for public supply
  2. Identification of potential contamination sources
  3. Compliance with environmental and health standards (CONAMA, CONSEMAS, RDCs)
  4. Development of industrial projects

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