Genome Assembly

Genome Assembly

IPR provides Genome Assembly services with well-established bioinformatics pipelines.

Genomic sequencing is an essential tool in modern biology, enabling new discoveries about the genetic composition of organisms. With this technology, we can determine the complete DNA sequence of various organisms, including those from extreme environments, making it indispensable for genetic engineering research in biotechnological applications.

There are two main methods for genome assembly: reference-based assembly and de novo assembly. Reference-based assembly uses a known and annotated genome as a model to organize the newly sequenced genome.

In contrast, de novo assembly does not rely on a reference genome and reconstructs the complete genome sequence by overlapping sequenced fragments. This method has several advantages, such as discovering new structural variants and reducing bias from reference genomes. However, de novo assembly poses significant challenges, especially when working with short reads from NGS platforms.

Available Services:

  • Quality analysis of reads
  • Mapping or de novo assembly
  • Gene prediction and functional annotation
  • Comparative analysis

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