GIS CCUS Brazil Platform

About the Project

Brazil has great potential for geological CO2 storage in its extensive sedimentary basins, which are close to major stationary emission sources. However, the absence of a public and integrated repository of CCUS information hinders the efficient exploration and development of these areas.

In response to this need, IPR-PUCRS, in partnership with PETROBRAS, is developing the GIS CCUS Brazil Platform. This free online tool aims to consolidate and integrate crucial information to support decision-making and the implementation of CCUS initiatives in the country. The web map and dashboards integrate data from stationary CO2 emission sources, infrastructure and logistics, socio-environmentally protected or restrictive areas, and storage resource classification, according to the SPE SRMS methodology adapted for Brazil.

In addition to the platform, the project includes the CO2 Storage Atlas for Brazil, in digital format, to disseminate technical-scientific knowledge. This initiative represents a significant advancement in CCUS technology in Brazil, offering a solid foundation for strategic decisions and strengthening the country's position at the forefront of global climate change solutions.

In 2023, the project was recognized as one of the three finalists for the ANP Technological Innovation Award in the category "Environment, Energy Transition, and Decarbonization," which aims to acknowledge and reward the outcomes of R&D&I projects developed in Brazil, considering essential criteria such as originality, relevance, applicability, and deliverables.

When we talk about CCUS, we refer to the abbreviation for "Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage," a technological process that involves capturing, utilizing, and storing carbon, usually emitted by large sources such as power plants and factories. If the CO2 cannot be reused on-site, it is separated from other gases, compressed, and transported via pipelines, ships, trains, or trucks to be used in various products and commercial applications.

For permanent storage, CO₂ is injected into deep geological formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline water reservoirs, unmined coal deposits, and other specific types of rock (e.g., salt and basalts). This ensures that the carbon is securely stored for thousands or even millions of years, preventing an increase in atmospheric CO2.

CCUS technology can be applied to existing power plants and factories, allowing them to continue operating while adapting to the new global energy landscape. It is particularly useful for sectors that rely on carbon-intensive raw materials or produce high CO2 emissions, such as the cement, steel, and chemical industries. These sectors are known as "hard-to-abate" due to the difficulty in reducing their emissions. Additionally, this technology facilitates the production of low-carbon hydrogen at reduced costs, helping the decarbonization of other areas. Finally, CCUS can remove CO₂ directly from the air, offsetting emissions that are inevitable or difficult to reduce by conventional methods.

Therefore, CCUS technology is a crucial tool in the fight against climate change, as it allows for the safe and efficient capture and storage of CO2, contributing to the reduction of global carbon emissions and helping to create a more sustainable energy future.

Modified from IOGP, 2020. IOGP-CCUS

The GIS CCUS Brazil Platform brings together information from various public data sources into a robust and integrated database. The vector data was processed to display relevant information, providing a comprehensive and detailed view of strategic decision-making on CCUS. This data has been organized into the following categories: Emission Sources, Infrastructure and Logistics, Areas Subject to Protection or Restrictions, Exploratory Data, Sedimentary Basins, CO2 Storage Resources, CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS), and CCUS Projects in Brazil.

The database includes emission data from more than 1,500 CO2 sources from the hard-to-abate sector and energy industry. Additionally, it features around 18,000 infrastructure and logistics elements and more than 370,000 restrictive or protected areas. The analysis of CO2 geological storage potential in Brazilian sedimentary basins integrated data from 30,621 exploratory wells, 14,900 geophysical surveys, as well as geological and geothermal information from 72 onshore and offshore sedimentary basins, consolidating hundreds of layers that illustrate the distribution and thickness of elements in the CO2 storage systems, with a focus on the volumetric capacity of saline water and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Learn more about the Database

The GIS CCUS Brazil Platform is an interactive web map hosted on the ArcGIS Online environment, containing all relevant information related to CCUS in the country in one place, providing public access to crucial geospatial data for evaluating different scenarios related to the topic. The platform is structured similarly to the database and presents the following categories: Emission Sources, Infrastructure and Logistics, Areas Subject to Protection or Restrictions, Exploratory Data, Sedimentary Basins, CO2 Storage Resources, CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS), and CCUS Projects in Brazil.

In addition to the web map, the platform also features four interactive dashboards specifically designed for spatial and quantitative visualization of emission sources, infrastructure and logistics, exploratory data, and CO2 storage resources. The use of these dashboards allows for a more comprehensive and accurate data analysis, with all information presented in a dynamic, clear, and intuitive manner.

Access the web map and interactive dashboards
GIS CCUS Brazil Platform, an interactive web map with relevant information on the CCUS context in the country.

The CO2 Storage Atlas for Brazil is currently under development and aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on potential scenarios for the implementation of CCUS technologies in the country. Based on the integrated database of the CCUS Brazil GIS Platform, the Atlas will highlight the most relevant aspects of the topic, structuring the vision of CCUS in the regions of Brazilian sedimentary basins with the greatest potential for CO2 utilization and/or geological storage, in both illustrated and theoretical forms. The comprehensive analysis of geospatial information aims to establish this product as a catalyst for disseminating knowledge and accelerating technological advancement in Brazil.

A link to access the Atlas will be available soon.


Clarissa Lovato Melo

Bachelor's degree in Geology, Master's degree in Geosciences with emphasis in Geochemistry, PhD in Geology, MBA in Leadership, Team Management and Productivity (in progress)

PETROBRAS Technical Interlocution

Moema Martins

Chemical Engineering, Master's degree in Materials Engineering, Postgraduate in Sustainable Energy Management


Daiane dos Santos Cardoso

Bachelor's degree in Geology, Master's degree in Geosciences with emphasis in Stratigraphy, PhD in Geosciences with emphasis in Basin Analysis

Franciele Gonçalves Andres

Bachelor's degree in Geology, Master's degree in Geosciences with emphasis in Geochemistry, PhD in Geology (in progress)

João Pedro Tauscheck Zielinski

Bachelor's degree in Geology, Master's degree in Geosciences with emphasis in Geology and Natural Resources, PhD in Water Resources (in progress)

Leonardo da Silva Felippe

Bachelor's degree in Geography, Technician in Hydrology, Master's degree in Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing (in progress)

Leonardo Pavlak Neis

Geology, Master's degree in Geosciences with emphasis in Geochemistry