Certified Reference Materials

Certified reference materials to guide analytical routines with metrological reliability.

CRMs for your lab

The quality area is responsible for the development, production and certification of reference materials in the areas where IPR operates.

But what is a Certified Reference Material after all?

A Certified Reference Material (CRM) is a reference material (RM) characterized by a metrologically valid procedure for one or more specified properties, accompanied by a certificate that provides the value of the specified property, its associated uncertainty, and a statement of metrological traceability.

All processes for the production and certification of the CRM are in line with the ISO 17034 – General requirements for the competence of reference material producers.   and  ISO GUIDE 35:2017 Reference materials — Guidance for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability international standards.

Where can an MRC be used:

A CRM can be applied in equipment calibration, accuracy assessment of assays, quality control, method validation, and to assign traceability to assay results

Where can a CRM be used?

Equipment calibration

Accuracy assessment of test

Quality control

Method validation

Assign traceability to test results


CRM002 Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ¹³C) in Sugarcane Sucrose

Item: Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ...

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CRM007 Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ¹³C e δ¹⁵N) in Milk Powder

Item: Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ...

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CRM004 Multianionic Solution (Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide, Nitrate, Sulfate, and Phosphate)

Item: MRC Multianion Solution ​

Concentration: ...

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CRM009 Multianionic Solution (Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide, Nitrate, Sulfate, Phosphate and Nitrite)

Item: MRC Multianion Solution ​

Concentration: ...

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CRM001 Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ¹³C) in Coconut Sugar

Item: Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ...

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CRM006 Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ¹³C) in Fructose

Item: Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ...

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CRM008 Multi-element Metal Solution

Item: Multielemental Metal MRC ​

Concentration: ...

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CRM005 Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ¹³C) in Beet Powder

Item: Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ...

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CRM003 Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ¹³C) in Marine Sediment

Item: Isotopic Carbon Ratio (δ ...

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CRM0012 Bufer solution pH 10,0

Item: MRC Buffer Solution pH ...

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CRM0010 Bufer solution pH 4,0

Item: MRC Buffer Solution pH ...

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