Veja todos os cursos de Graduação oferecidos pela PUCRS.
Estudantes internacionais podem participar do Programa de Mobilidade Virtual da PUCRS. A cada semestre, oferecemos várias opções de cursos de graduação, pós-graduação e extensão. É uma oportunidade de estudar uma língua adicional, entrar em contato com novas culturas e internacionalizar o currículo. A elegibilidade para participar da mobilidade virtual na PUCRS está condicionada aos alunos estarem matriculados em uma das universidades parceiras da PUCRS ou serem participantes dos programas eMOVIES e Americarum Mobilitas. Os cursos serão ministrados inteiramente online, pelo corpo docente altamente qualificado de nossa universidade.
No esforço de auxiliar na adaptação de nossos alunos internacionais em mobilidade presencial, a PUCRS oferece disciplinas totalmente ministradas em inglês. Essas disciplinas darão aos alunos a chance de conhecer estudantes internacionais e locais que desejam melhorar suas habilidades no idioma.
Confira nossa oferta de disciplinas ministradas em inglês para o semestre 2025/2:
Syllabus: lnterpretation and Application of Law: practical reasoning. Legal interpretation: methods of interpretation. lnterpretation and application of Law. Legal Reasoning and Argumentation. Thinking like a lawyer. Argumentation and Legal Professions.
Syllabus: The fundamental right of access to justice as a multi-door path. Dispute resolution methods: overview and historical developments. Negotiation: objectives and techniques. Mediation as facilitated negotiation. Styles and stages of mediation. Ethical patterns for mediators. Arbitration as a private adjudication system.
Introduction to basic concepts of biological diversity, ecology and sustainability. Conceptualization of the intrinsic and instrumental values of biodiversity. Study of conservation and sustainability in the environmental, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. Debate on the role of human beings in nature and of every professional and citizen in building an environmentally sustainable world.
Syllabus: Introduction to the concepts and elements of digital culture applied to the communications field. Involves the study of the foundations, principles and logics of the scenario that led to the development of digitalization of media, the internet, and the context of network communication.
Syllabus: Theoretical and practical subject aiming to present basic concepts and practices of data reporting and data visualization. Analysis and discussion of Brazilian public data sets and news using data journalism. Basic notions of statistics and sampling. Information access laws. Data analysis using apps.
Syllabus: Writing exercises, discussions on language and reading of literary texts, in a workshop environment, aiming at intellectual and creative exchange.
Syllabus: This course focusses diverse political, economic and social transformations occurred in the 20th Century. It analyses the 1st and 2nd World Wars in its backgrounds. It study as well the emergence of the Cold War System as well as it highlight its links to the Militaristic Regimes in Latin America, the Decolonization of Africa and Asia, and the growing influence of China.
Syllabus: Study of contemporary International Relations`s theoretical contributions: constructivism; Copenhagen School; Critical Theory in IR; Post-Structuralist Theories; Post-modern theories and approaches; Feminism in the International Relations; Postcolonial Theories and approaches; Contributions of the Latin American thought to the interpretation of the International Relations.
Analysis of contributions from contemporary authors of relevance to the area of International Relations. Approaches to contemporary international themes and problems, focusing on Brazil and Latin America. Contemporary case study exercises in light of the theoretical and methodological contributions learned throughout the course.”
Syllabus: Applicability of Human rights standards to public and private entities. Public policies and Human Rights. The Right to development. Business and Human Rights. Gross and systematic violations. Health, slavery, the right to life, torture, genocide and disappearances. Collective rights and remedies. Analysis of current issues related to Human Rights.
Syllabus: The course deals with the language in use by contemplating the fundamentals of interlocution: interlocutors, text, context and the construction of meaning in reading and textual production practices. It explores instrumental reading through grammatical review and the application of reading strategies aimed at improve reading comprehension. It also covers textual elements such as cohesion, coherence, intertextuality, informativeness, intentionality, acceptability and situationality.
Writing exercises, discussions on language and reading of literary texts, in a workshop environment, aiming at intellectual and creative exchange. ”
Syllabus: Discussion of prominent themes regarding global health, featuring distinct national healthcare models. Comprehensive analysis of health burdens and health indicators across various countries and regions. Introduction of pertinent concepts and initiatives for medical students embarking on real-life scenarios, implementing impactful measures for patient care, public policy, and global health research through current topics within different population contexts.
Syllabus: Fundamentals and concepts of economic development. Classical theories and modern models. Social and economic indicators. Regional e local economic issues facing problems in developing countries and the Brazilian economy.
Syllabus: Organization, analysis, interpretation of data and study of probabilistic models. Investigation of the relationship between variables. Notions from sampling to infer parameters and the establishment of statistical hypotheses.
A PUCRS oferece disciplinas regulares de Português para Estrangeiros para que os alunos em mobilidade possam aperfeiçoar os conhecimentos em língua portuguesa durante seus estudos no Brasil. As disciplinas são de 04 créditos (60 horas-aula) e, além de questões linguísticas, também são abordados aspectos culturais.
Mais informações sobre as disciplinas: [email protected]