Marcos Villela Pereira is collaborating with the Educational Sciences Program
Videoconferences have been an alternative during the quarantine in Argentina / Image: Personal archive
School of Humanities Professor Dr. Marcos Villela Pereira is serving as a Visiting Professor at Faculdad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación of Universidad Nacional de La Plata, in Argentina, on the Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt) with the support from CAPES. He arrived in the country in early March and, even during the pandemic, Pereira has been working remotely at the institution.
Before the quarantine began, the professor met with Professor Myriam Southwell, current coordinator of the PhD Program in Educational Sciences and Director of the Secondary Education Division of the Province of Buenos Aires. He also met with the Department’s Director of Graduate Programs, Professor Fabio Esposito. Cooperation projects, with joint research, publications and agreements were discussed in the meetings.
“After the social distancing decree was in place, all activities and meetings have been held online. The research group meets every week to discuss very punctual topics, upon demand”, the professor says.
Pereira has been working on the project Procesos de democratización en la formación de los cuerpos y las sensibilidades en la educación estética de la Argentina de la segunda mitad del siglo XX (Democratization processes in the development of bodies and sensibilities in aesthetic education in Argentina in the 2nd half of century XX). We first came in contact with this group in 2013.
During his stay in Argentina, the professor surveyed the sources in the Spanish language repositories and databases associated with the ideas by both Ernesto Laclau and Pietro Barcellona. “Not many people know or refer to Barcellona, either in Brazil or here, but I am working with two dedicated researchers who are responsible for translating his work”, Pereira comments.
At the same time that he studies the references, the professor selects materials to write articles jointly with Professor Myriam Southwell. “I am also working with a researcher in the group, Professor Lucía Merlos, in a comparative study between teaching art and training sensitivity in Argentina and Brazil. Our idea is to present it at the International Congress on Comparative Education, which should take place in Uruguay at the end of the year “, he completes.
Marcos Villela Pereira is part of the project Human Development: knowledges and practices for a world in motion, coordinated by Professor Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme, associated with the priority theme World in Motion: Individuals and Society.