US grantees to help in Modern Languages courses
Benjamin Brooks, Emily Burns and Angelo Gallegos will be staying at PUCRS until December 2019. Image: Mariana Haupenthal
For the second year in a row, PUCRS is being home to three US grantees that are set to start working at the School of Humanities. The visitors were awarded the English Teaching Assistant (ETA) grant for institutional projects, a cooperative initiative involving Capes and the United States Cultural Exchange Program (Fulbright).
Angelo Gallegos (University of Colorado), Benjamin Brooks (DePaul University) and Emily Burns (Saint Michael’s College) will be staying in Porto Alegre until December. This is the second year Brooks comes to Porto Alegre. He came to PUCRS in Mar 2018 and will be staying for another year, to continue working on the activities she began in 2018.
For 2019, the ETAs will be assisting the professors of the following Modern Languages courses: English 1 and 3, American Literature and Internship 1, 3 and 4. The US team will also be delivering workshops on culture, technology and teaching, cover letter writing as well as globalization and interculturality.
Dr Aline Fay de Azevedo, Mrs Bárbara de Moraes Barros, Dr Cristina Perna, Mrs Débora Ardais and Dr Heloísa Delgado headed the project O discente de Letras visto como agente propulsor da cidadania na educação básica (Modern Languages students as a propelling agent of civic consciousness in basic education), which has been embraced by PUCRS for two years. Aline is happy about the opportunity to work on this project one more time with three competent and professional US teachers. “We also believe that because they come from a different culture, this brings a new perspective to Modern Languages students”, she adds.