
Brazilian Socio-Historical Formation
COD Workload Description
191FC-03 45 The discipline offers a broad historical and sociological approach to the formation of Brazilian society. To this end, it studies the different currents of interpretation of national identity from the post-Independence context to contemporary developments in the 21st century. Structuring themes of the country's social life will be discussed, such as: citizenship, identity and cultural diversity, racism, social inequality, violence; corruption; authoritarianism and democracy.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Capital, Labor and Alienation
COD Workload Description
191FB-03 45 Study on work and capital in the Marxian and Marxist conception, based on classic and contemporary authors, highlighting the refractions that result from this contradiction, particularly the processes of alienation, estrangement, precariousness and their relations with the subjectivity and conformation of the working class. Debate on data relating to working conditions, employment and unemployment in Brazil.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Civil Society and Public Sphere
COD Workload Description
72294-03 45 The theories that explain the formation of the public sphere and civil society. The social movements in Latin America and in Brazil. Discussion on the role of civil society in public spaces in Brazil from 1970-1980.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Contemporary Philosophical Schools
COD Workload Description
82259-03 45 This course will look at the main assumptions that base our knowledge from relevant classical scholars of modern and contemporary thinking. It will provide an explanation of the principles that guide the main systems of social and political philosophy. It will look at dialectics as method and as a system in the philosophy of German idealism.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Discourse Analysis and Content Analysis
COD Workload Description
52258-03 45 Discussion on the theoretical foundations and the applicability of Discourse and Content Analysis in qualitative research, based on different authors, such as Michel Pechêux, Van Dijk, Fairclough, Foucault, Thompson, Laclau, Spink, Moraes and Galiazi as well as Bardin.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Economy, State and Market
COD Workload Description
52250-03 45 Review on the basic concepts of political economy, the great transformation, the main political, economic and social movements of the 20th century, the reform of State and Society, the new social contract, the ends and means of development, the Market, State and social opportunity, Globalization, hegemony and empire and social issues.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Education and social inequalities in Latin America
COD Workload Description
8221B-03 45 This course aims to analyze the relationship between society and education, questioning, especially the production and reproduction of social inequality in Latin America. To this will be prioritized the study of the theoretical contributions of the sociology of education, especially the prospects linked to the so-called Critical Education. The productions of classical and contemporary European authors will be approached as well as the reception of these theories and their unfolding in Latin American intellectual production. This course will be in Spanish.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Education Master's Not required
Education Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Education theories and cultures Seeks to explore the relationship between anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology and education, by discussing political and cultural conditions in education. It brings together theoretical and empirical theories and research, so improving our understanding of the diversity of the human experience in the different processes of development.
People and education It studies education as a process that involves the person's non-development, training and self-training, highlighting its intertwining as health and well-being. It hosts interdisciplinary studies and research that enhance the pedagogical dimension of human experience in its interactions as biological, psychosocial, biographical, cultural aspects of two subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society.
Education training, policies and practices Seeks to explore educational processes in different training settings, from socio-political, historical and cultural perspectives, aiming at a critical analysis of policies, training practices, and educational planning in different contexts. It scrutinizes pedagogical practices in several degrees and types of education, enabling insights for decision making regarding changes in society and in the educational process.
Education in Science and Mathematics (ESM) Studies teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics in different training spaces, using theoretical and methodological contributions related to education through research; epistemologically linked to the domain of language, to inter and transdisciplinarity – to science and the nature of being and to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with initial and continuing teacher training, in Basic Education and Higher Education. It covers research involving scientific and technological development, scientific literacy and the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal spaces of education.
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Expressions of Violence and Confrontation Strategies
COD Workload Description
82230-03 45 Study on the strategies for fighting violence in its multiple expressions: structural violence, institutional violence, violence in schools and domestic and intrafamily violence, focusing on violence against women, the elderly and children. Analysis of the experiences developed in the areas of education, health, social assistance and justice to face violence from an interdisciplinary perspective.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Family, History and Social Policy
COD Workload Description
42243-03 45 Study of the family, its history and transformations over time, up to now. Discussion on the family in the context of contemporary social relations, the universe of family relations and their importance in the constitution of subjects, inclusion in social policies and the challenges posed to professionals when dealing with families.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Fundamentals of Social Work
COD Workload Description
82260-03 45 This course will provide deeper insights into the meaning of Social Work according to the Brazilian society and its interfaces with contemporary manifestations, by analyzing, from a historical and critical point of view, the repercussions for the development, exercise and construction of knowledge in the field.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Health Policies and SUS
COD Workload Description
42245-03 45 Study on the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), its standoffs and perspectives from a historical analysis of health policies. It will look at the political, socioeconomic and environmental determinants present until the consolidation of the Brazilian Unified Health System, the evolution of health and disease conceptions as well as health care models. The work of health care professionals, especially the role of social workers in health care, and the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work regarding movements such as the Sanitary and Psychiatric Reform.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Higher Education Policies and Social Work Training
COD Workload Description
82200-03 45 Critical and analytical study of the context and determinants of higher education policies; The reform/counter-reform of higher education in Brazil; The history of Social Work training, the current professional training project and the main demands and challenges facing the reform of higher education.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Human Rights and Social Policies
COD Workload Description
191AZ-03 45 The social and historical construction of Human Rights at the international context and in Brazil; The International Protective Human Rights System, Brazilian Protective System; Analysis of the role of the State, Civil Society and Social Policies in the configuration of the Brazilian Protective Human Rights System.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Human Rights and Social Policies
COD Workload Description
82258-03 45 Estudo sobre a construção social e histórica dos direitos humanos no contexto internacional e no Brasil. Sistema Internacional de Direitos Humanos de Proteção, Sistema Protetivo Brasileiro. Análise do papel do Estado, Sociedade Civil e Políticas Sociais na configuração do Sistema Brasileiro de Proteção dos Direitos Humanos.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Introduction to Marxian Theory and the Method in Marx
COD Workload Description
72296-03 45 Study on the foundations of the Marxian theory, from the understanding of the main Marxian works, by identifying the possibilities of employing them for discussing the social question in our current times and for providing theories and methods for dissertations and/or theses in progress that employ this epistemological framework.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Land, work, class and the popular in Latin America
COD Workload Description
191GF-01 15 The meaning of the categories history, memory, popular, overexploitation, revolution and muralism; imperialism and dependency; neoliberalism and renewal of commercial means and mediations; inter-secting worlds: use value and exchange value.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Organizations, Processes and Social Movements
COD Workload Description
82204-03 45 Study on the main social processes in society and in the particular reality of social segments, based on different contemporary authors. Discussion on the professional interface between collective organizations and practices, as it looks at popular organizations in terms of the social subject¿s resistance and confrontation in the consolidation of democracy and citizenship.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Political Economy, State and Society
COD Workload Description
52257-03 45 Study on the value of goods, extraction of surplus value, the tendency to accumulate, unemployment, State interventions, the political economy of Brazil and its relation with contemporary world issues.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Policies
COD Workload Description
72295-03 45 Contemporary discussions on poverty, exclusion and social policies. The French method of understanding of these phenomena: its influence on Brazilian thinking. The impacts of the consequences of the new configuration of the labor market, the reform of the State and social demands in the Brazilian scenario.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Production of Knowledge and Social Work
COD Workload Description
52282-03 45 Analysis of the production of knowledge connected to the main bases underlying them, to the purpose and the ethical-political commitments resulting from them and their relationship with Social Work. Students will be taught the scientific requirements necessary for student´s productions at the doctoral level and identifying the contributions made by the production of knowledge in Social Work for the increase in researched issues, connecting them with student´s ongoing investigations.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Qualitative Methods in the study of aging
COD Workload Description
1933M-02 30 Study on social research theory and methodology and its relevance for the production of knowledge in the area of aging. Analysis of scientific criteria and particularities of qualitative research in the areas of health sciences. Apprehension of the investigative cycle, with emphasis on methodological procedures, including the elaboration of the research project, techniques, instruments and investigative procedures for the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The mixed focus on research. Complementarity of quantitative and qualitative data. Grounded theory of data. Elaboration of ethnographic questions. Focus groups. Content analysis, discourse analysis and discursive textual analysis. Ethical aspects of research.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Social Assistance Policies and SUAS
COD Workload Description
82202-03 45 Study on the main documents and articles that underlie the PNAS and SUAS (Brazilian Social Assistance Programs) and discusses the ongoing investigations and the literature on Social Work that deal with this theme and topics related to it, considering the contemporary historical-social context of Brazil and the determinants that condition the effectiveness of social security in the country.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Social Policies: Concepts and Configurations
COD Workload Description
42238-03 45 The theories explaining the constitution and development of social policies; State and civil society in the constitution of social policies; Social security as a system of social protection; The repercussions of the neoliberal adjustment on social policies in Latin America; The Brazilian State and the particular features of the history of the Brazilian social protection system.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Social Question and Social Policies
COD Workload Description
52279-03 45 Study on social question in capitalist society as well as the implementation of social policies based on different contemporary authors. It will foster a discussion on neoliberalism and social policies movements in Brazil, started from the Constitution of 1988, as well as the social participation of social movements and responses of the State and Civil Society to the expressions of the social question.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Social Research
COD Workload Description
52243-03 45 Study on research theory, approaching the entire research cycle, including the formulation of the research problem, techniques for data collection and analysis and their proper representation and systematization. In addition to discussions and theoretical reflections on methodology and research techniques, it will look at the epistemological references that guide them and their ethical dilemmas.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Social Work and Marxism in the 21st Century
COD Workload Description
72298-03 45 Study on the production and contemporary discussions in Social Work inspired by Marxian work which mediate the contributions of the emancipatory critical matrix for understanding the reality, social question and labor processes. Discussions on the main authors of the area inspired by this matrix, starting from the contributions of Marilda Iamamoto.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Social Work and Society Transformations
COD Workload Description
52280-03 45 Socio-historical analysis of Social Work in Brazil in the context of contemporary society transformations. The central focus will be on new expressions of the social question the reconfiguration of demands that pose challenges to professional competences.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
State and politics
COD Workload Description
191HU-03 45 : The origins and general characterization of the contemporary State, the relationship between state power and capital, the classical liberal and neoliberal conception of the state, the bourgeois-democratic conception, the conception of the state in Weber and Durkhein, the conceptions of Marx, Engels and Lenin, the structuralist conception of Althusser and Poulantzas, the particularities of the state in dependent societies, the state's relationship with, organization of production and ideology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
COD Workload Description
191AB-03 45 A study on the main categories that are deemed central or transversal to the theses in progress, and mediation of theory and methodology of research, in the various stages of research planning, data collection or processing, including the review or the adjustment of collection techniques (if deemed necessary), with an emphasis on the data processing stage, which contemplates the stages related to the organization, representation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data as well as content and document analysis techniques, in addition to the densification of a mixed-type quantitative-qualitative approach in social research.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Teaching and teaching practice in Social Work
COD Workload Description
52256-03 45 In order to offer critical and analytical support to the training of students, this course discusses the concepts of education, the role of the University and teaching and methodological aspects in the teaching-learning process. It also aims to prepare students for the mandatory undergraduate teaching internship.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Territory and City
COD Workload Description
4221A-03 45 Study of the territory as an economic, political, social and cultural construction. The capital's city, and the stageof the dispute. The main currents and sociological theories of urbanization and the organization of cities. discussion of the urbanization process as an agent for the transformation os scio-spatial structures.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Violence, Power and Institutional Practice
COD Workload Description
52277-03 45 Discussion on institutional violence, power and practices as processes in the management of institutions. Discussion and analysis of social processes that permeate violence, mediated by relations of gender, race/ethnicity, class and the possibility of a new ethics that breaks with reductive and simplifying visions of reality concerning this phenomenon.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.