
Biographic narratives: interview conduction and analysis
COD Workload Description
61641-04 60 This course will be delivered as a workshop, especially for students who have taken the course "Everyday life: interpretations and narratives". The Seminar will discuss and present the epistemological, theoretical and methodological principles for conducting narrative interviews, transcriptions and possible means of analysis. Throughout the semester, students will conduct narrative interviews, which will be discussed and analyzed in class with other students.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Body and Power
COD Workload Description
61638-04 60 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Theoretical and conceptual references for the approach to the intersections between gender/sexuality, age, ethnicity, and social class in contemporary identity and political processes; Foucault's thought, post-colonial and feminist studies in contemporary discussions on identities, differences, violences and human rights; Subjects, individualization and subjectivation in our contemporary times; Anthropological and sociological studies on the processes of medicalization of existence; Body policies and activism.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Education Master's Not required
Education Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Scientific Education Master's Not required
Scientific Education Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Education theories and cultures Seeks to explore the relationship between anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology and education, by discussing political and cultural conditions in education. It brings together theoretical and empirical theories and research, so improving our understanding of the diversity of the human experience in the different processes of development.
People and education It studies education as a process that involves the person's non-development, training and self-training, highlighting its intertwining as health and well-being. It hosts interdisciplinary studies and research that enhance the pedagogical dimension of human experience in its interactions as biological, psychosocial, biographical, cultural aspects of two subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society.
Education training, policies and practices Seeks to explore educational processes in different training settings, from socio-political, historical and cultural perspectives, aiming at a critical analysis of policies, training practices, and educational planning in different contexts. It scrutinizes pedagogical practices in several degrees and types of education, enabling insights for decision making regarding changes in society and in the educational process.
Education in Science and Mathematics (ESM) Studies teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics in different training spaces, using theoretical and methodological contributions related to education through research; epistemologically linked to the domain of language, to inter and transdisciplinarity – to science and the nature of being and to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with initial and continuing teacher training, in Basic Education and Higher Education. It covers research involving scientific and technological development, scientific literacy and the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal spaces of education.
Learning, teaching and teacher education on Science and Mathematics This line involves knowledge production on the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics, related to education through research, to interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with the initial and continuing education of teachers in Basic and Higher Education.
Culture, Epistemology and Science Education Culture, Epistemology and Scientific Education This line addresses knowledge production on historical, epistemological and sociocultural aspects related to scientific, mathematical and technological development, as well as to the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal learning settings.
Tecnology in Science and Mathematics Education This line addresses knowledge production on information and communication technologies to support the teaching and learning processes in Science and Mathematics in both classroom and also in distance learning.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Contemporary Political Ideologies
COD Workload Description
61628-04 60 This course aims at investigating some aspects of the ideological dimension of the political world. The left-right ideological divide and its variables, such as the "third way" and post-materialism will be addressed in order to provide an overview of the contemporary ideological policies. Ultimately, the Brazilian case and the problematic ideological dimension of its political parties will be studied.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Contemporary Theories of Democracy
COD Workload Description
313A5-04 60 This course is intended to present an overview of the development of contemporary theoretical discussions on the concepts of democracy as a political regime. Hence, it will look at the approaches drawing on empirical studies proposed by political science. Then, the following issues will be addressed: 1) democracy as a procedure; 2) the limits of the procedural perspective and proposed theoretical alternatives; 3) institutional arrangements under a comparative perspective as to governability and accountability; 4) the conditions for the emergence of democratic regimes; and lastly, 5) discussions on the quality of democracy.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Master's Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Doctorate Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Master's Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
The State and Theories of Justice This line of research addresses the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of the theories of justice from scholars such as Immanuel Kant, John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, as well as their different critical and alternative views in communitarian and utilitarian theories.
Ethics Principles This line of research addresses the central issues of Ethics as they have been conceived over time and under the systematic aspect, in view of scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant and others. The relationship between practical and theoretical reason is a central area.
Phenomenology and Hermeneutics This line of research is intended to analyze the classical theories of knowledge under the perspective of the philosophers of phenomenology, which has been the norm in Europe for almost a century and has representatives all over the world.
Philosophy in the Middle Ages This line of research addresses philosophers of the Middle Ages.
Analytic Epistemology This line of research addresses the fundamental topics of contemporary Epistemology: theories of knowledge, theories of epistemic rationality, skepticism and epistemic paradoxes.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Cosmopolitan democracy and transnational collective action
COD Workload Description
1916U-04 60 Study of politics beyond the Nation-State as a unit of analysis. Description and understanding of the most varied forms of transnational actors and forms of action, such as protests and cycles of protests, social movements and non-governmental organizations, networks, coalitions, etc. Analysis of the role of transnational politics for domestic and international politics from an interdisciplinary approach that highlights the contributions of International Relations, Historical Sociology and Political Science. Assessing the specific opportunities and constraints of transnational collective action from a relational perspective.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Master's Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Doctorate Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
The State and Theories of Justice This line of research addresses the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of the theories of justice from scholars such as Immanuel Kant, John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, as well as their different critical and alternative views in communitarian and utilitarian theories.
Ethics Principles This line of research addresses the central issues of Ethics as they have been conceived over time and under the systematic aspect, in view of scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant and others. The relationship between practical and theoretical reason is a central area.
Phenomenology and Hermeneutics This line of research is intended to analyze the classical theories of knowledge under the perspective of the philosophers of phenomenology, which has been the norm in Europe for almost a century and has representatives all over the world.
Philosophy in the Middle Ages This line of research addresses philosophers of the Middle Ages.
Analytic Epistemology This line of research addresses the fundamental topics of contemporary Epistemology: theories of knowledge, theories of epistemic rationality, skepticism and epistemic paradoxes.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Criminal Policy, Violence and Public Safety
COD Workload Description
61631-04 60 This course aims at discussing public security policies and criminal justice, in view of the different reactionary perspectives on violence and crime in Brazil. As well as this, it is intended to spot the dilemmas faced in Brazil by public administrators and legal agents, taking the operation and scope of police forces and the legal and prison systems into account. The course is ultimately intended to analyze, both in a theoretical and empirical way, the main contemporary trends in criminal policy, in view of the dimensions of primary and secondary criminalization, and police action and offense prevention policies over the last decade in Brazil.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Critical thought in Latin America
COD Workload Description
1916T-04 60 Analysis of the history and development of Latin America from a critical perspective; projects about what should be Latin America and its future proposed by intellectuals since the end of the 19th century; continental development of Marxist, structuralist and feminist theoretical traditions; the multiplicity of social, ethnic-racial and cultural issues; decolonial epistemological perspectives and proposals for radical social transformation.
Professors Home time Lattes
EMIL ALBERT SOBOTTKA 27 years and 7 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Dissertation Seminar
COD Workload Description
191GS-03 45 This course will look at the basic aspects of scientific research and the design of a thesis project, with special emphasis on 1) logical and theoretical issues in the production of scientific knowledge, in view of the diversity of approaches, themes and research goals and 2) the design of the thesis project with a research roadmap.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Dissertation Seminar (Mandatory for the PhD Program)
COD Workload Description
61643-04 60 This seminar aims at guiding students in the preparation of their dissertation projects. The topics to be discussed will be selected from the research carried out by students in each class. Each student will present their topics and development of the project according to the schedule arranged by the professor. The orientation provided during the course will be solely directed to the project design. Relevant orientation will be provided by the professor to each student. The idea is to develop the projects for the design of the students' dissertations.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Elections and Political Representation
COD Workload Description
61629-04 60 This course aims at investigating some of the main political political dynamics behind democratic societies: party representation and the electoral process. Democracy, as a decision-making process, as well as the party and electoral systems will be, then, the primary goals of this investigation. Additionally, this investigation will look at the analysis of political careers and the standards of party affiliation, as well as the essential elements of the electoral process: campaigns and voter's behavior.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
History of Iberian and American Societies Master's Not required
History of Iberian and American Societies Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Politics, Intellectuals and Media This line of research emphasises aspects of the formation, development, organization and dissemination of concepts, discourses and political practices, inserted in a historical process and its social context. Its theoretical foundations are specialized literature, mostly of French and Anglo-Saxon origin, that takes into consideration the multiple dimensions of the political universe. This line of study establishes a constant dialogue with the New Political History. The various players (individual, collective and institutional) that move through this multiple universe are the themes of this line of study that concentrates in the intellectuals, the political ideas and its various means and processes of dissemination and social performance. It favours as well those studies devoted to nineteenth and twentieth centuries within an Iberian and American context. The political centrality of the modern state in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries does not hinder the development of research that includes other objects and theoretical discussions; on the contrary, political processes are considered beyond the relationship between State and civil society, which enables the development of research into different political organizations or power structures. The political dimension of the research does not exclude the dialogue between Cultural and Social History and the interface with other fields of historical study. The line’s conceptual and methodological frame maintains its traditional interdisciplinary approach and establishes a dialogue with Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Psychoanalysis and Social Communication. Thus the press, political parties, trade unions, public policies, public opinion, intellectuals, ideas, elections, associations, armed conflicts, political movements, engaged cultural production, and institutions are objects of interest to this line of research.
Culture and Ethnicity This line of study gives emphasis to transdisciplinary works and promotes historical researches whose approaches employ concepts from different fields of human and social sciences. By focusing on the Iberian and American context from the point of view of social relations, shared practices and knowledge, artistic creation and the production of knowledge, this line underlines phenomena proper to modernity and experiences that transcend its own paradigms. Researches developed within this line of study encompass studies on representation, visual culture and ethnicity. This type of research on culture comprises themes of historical interest, analysed from the perspective of perception, the attribution of meanings and the representation of reality in a particular historical context. Considering the American and Iberian cultural context during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this type of research encompasses the social politics of memory, artistic and intellectual creation in audio, visual and discursive languages, including routes, performances, networks and symbolic exchanges. The configuration of objects in this field tries to reveal historical situations determined according to the universe of beliefs, emotions and knowledge that have given them intelligibility and meaning in their own time. Research on art, image and visual culture problematize the way the various types of images permeate everyday social life creating the visuality of an era, connecting production techniques and circulation of images to the ways of visualizing the different social groups and spaces, proposing a look at the world, mediating our understanding of reality and suggesting models of social action. The production within this thematic line includes research on ethnicity that favours the methodological transit and transdisciplinarity between History, Archaeology and Anthropology, and deals with subjects from the pre-colonial period to contemporary research regarding different ethnic groups. Studies aimed at understanding the interethnic contact in the Ibero-American world via its numerous records, focus on the daily life and cultural manifestations of indigenous populations, caboclo and quilombola communities and other peoples on the fringes of pre-colonial and post-colonial history, using epistemological instruments for the development of analysis not restricted to the reductionist dualism of the societies in contact.
Society, Economic Development and Migration The present line of research favours studies on urban transformations and the network of contacts and relationships established in different processes of sociability. It uses the latest theoretical and methodological tendencies of social history and proposes a reflection on the varied social, economic and political ties observed in an urban space; it focusses on studies of the paths of groups and/or individuals, their social and territorial insertion and their experiences and displacements. The identification of the space the different players, through their everyday practices, occupy in society allows the researcher to better understand their contribution in the transformation of cities, companies, industries, arts and crafts, professions and the effects of migration in society as a whole. Issues related to work should also be a part of the considerations about everyday practices associated to society’s economic and industrial development. In this context the role of the immigrant regards to entrepreneurship, technology and the circulation of ideas should be emphasised. Among the themes favoured by this line of research are studies of immigration to Brazil, focussing on transnationalism (economic, cultural and political) and the role of immigrants in the process of urbanization and social modernization of the country between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; the history of the press and its relationship with other spaces of intellectual production and the power of society; industrialization, planning and urbanization, emphasising the urban changes promoted by the phenomena of industrialization, the new waves of immigration and other forms of human mobility that occurred throughout the twentieth century. The social dimension underlined by this line of research does not exclude the dialogue with cultural and political history and the interface with other areas of history.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Everyday Life: Interpretations and Narratives
COD Workload Description
61635-04 60 Based on comprehensive sociology, the course will address the most representative theoretical contributions for the analysis of everyday life, such as the interpretation of the world of life, the process of social construction of reality, the scenarios of knowledge construction of common sense, as well as the biographic narrative analyses. The main works of scholars in the aforementioned areas will be studied, especially Alfred Schütz; contemporary theoretical analyses based on these interpretations, as well as recent empirical papers based on these approaches, with special emphasis on research consisting of biographic narratives will be addressed.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Fundamentals of Anthropological Theory (Mandatory for Master's degree)
COD Workload Description
61644-03 45 This course will study of the formation and development of social and cultural anthropology and its fields of study. It will look at etnocentrism and cultural relativism. It will also look at the main theories and concepts related to the course and their methods: etnography, field work and participant observation.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Education Master's Not required
Education Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Education theories and cultures Seeks to explore the relationship between anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology and education, by discussing political and cultural conditions in education. It brings together theoretical and empirical theories and research, so improving our understanding of the diversity of the human experience in the different processes of development.
People and education It studies education as a process that involves the person's non-development, training and self-training, highlighting its intertwining as health and well-being. It hosts interdisciplinary studies and research that enhance the pedagogical dimension of human experience in its interactions as biological, psychosocial, biographical, cultural aspects of two subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society.
Education training, policies and practices Seeks to explore educational processes in different training settings, from socio-political, historical and cultural perspectives, aiming at a critical analysis of policies, training practices, and educational planning in different contexts. It scrutinizes pedagogical practices in several degrees and types of education, enabling insights for decision making regarding changes in society and in the educational process.
Education in Science and Mathematics (ESM) Studies teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics in different training spaces, using theoretical and methodological contributions related to education through research; epistemologically linked to the domain of language, to inter and transdisciplinarity – to science and the nature of being and to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with initial and continuing teacher training, in Basic Education and Higher Education. It covers research involving scientific and technological development, scientific literacy and the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal spaces of education.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Fundamentals of Political Theory(Mandatory for Master's degree)
COD Workload Description
61646-03 45 This course will introduce students to philosophical and methodological concepts of political theory. It is intended to study the relationship between political theory and philosophy and political science as an academic area. It focuses on the intersections between the philosophical, psychological, normative and empirical approaches to political problems. It is aimed at investigating the more permanent dimensions of political life, from the design of political institutions and practices up to the concepts and expressions used to interpret them. Therefore, it is intended to provide students with a comprehensive set of conceptual tools that will enable them to interpret relevant issues and research problems in political science
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
History of Iberian and American Societies Master's Not required
History of Iberian and American Societies Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Politics, Intellectuals and Media This line of research emphasises aspects of the formation, development, organization and dissemination of concepts, discourses and political practices, inserted in a historical process and its social context. Its theoretical foundations are specialized literature, mostly of French and Anglo-Saxon origin, that takes into consideration the multiple dimensions of the political universe. This line of study establishes a constant dialogue with the New Political History. The various players (individual, collective and institutional) that move through this multiple universe are the themes of this line of study that concentrates in the intellectuals, the political ideas and its various means and processes of dissemination and social performance. It favours as well those studies devoted to nineteenth and twentieth centuries within an Iberian and American context. The political centrality of the modern state in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries does not hinder the development of research that includes other objects and theoretical discussions; on the contrary, political processes are considered beyond the relationship between State and civil society, which enables the development of research into different political organizations or power structures. The political dimension of the research does not exclude the dialogue between Cultural and Social History and the interface with other fields of historical study. The line’s conceptual and methodological frame maintains its traditional interdisciplinary approach and establishes a dialogue with Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Psychoanalysis and Social Communication. Thus the press, political parties, trade unions, public policies, public opinion, intellectuals, ideas, elections, associations, armed conflicts, political movements, engaged cultural production, and institutions are objects of interest to this line of research.
Culture and Ethnicity This line of study gives emphasis to transdisciplinary works and promotes historical researches whose approaches employ concepts from different fields of human and social sciences. By focusing on the Iberian and American context from the point of view of social relations, shared practices and knowledge, artistic creation and the production of knowledge, this line underlines phenomena proper to modernity and experiences that transcend its own paradigms. Researches developed within this line of study encompass studies on representation, visual culture and ethnicity. This type of research on culture comprises themes of historical interest, analysed from the perspective of perception, the attribution of meanings and the representation of reality in a particular historical context. Considering the American and Iberian cultural context during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this type of research encompasses the social politics of memory, artistic and intellectual creation in audio, visual and discursive languages, including routes, performances, networks and symbolic exchanges. The configuration of objects in this field tries to reveal historical situations determined according to the universe of beliefs, emotions and knowledge that have given them intelligibility and meaning in their own time. Research on art, image and visual culture problematize the way the various types of images permeate everyday social life creating the visuality of an era, connecting production techniques and circulation of images to the ways of visualizing the different social groups and spaces, proposing a look at the world, mediating our understanding of reality and suggesting models of social action. The production within this thematic line includes research on ethnicity that favours the methodological transit and transdisciplinarity between History, Archaeology and Anthropology, and deals with subjects from the pre-colonial period to contemporary research regarding different ethnic groups. Studies aimed at understanding the interethnic contact in the Ibero-American world via its numerous records, focus on the daily life and cultural manifestations of indigenous populations, caboclo and quilombola communities and other peoples on the fringes of pre-colonial and post-colonial history, using epistemological instruments for the development of analysis not restricted to the reductionist dualism of the societies in contact.
Society, Economic Development and Migration The present line of research favours studies on urban transformations and the network of contacts and relationships established in different processes of sociability. It uses the latest theoretical and methodological tendencies of social history and proposes a reflection on the varied social, economic and political ties observed in an urban space; it focusses on studies of the paths of groups and/or individuals, their social and territorial insertion and their experiences and displacements. The identification of the space the different players, through their everyday practices, occupy in society allows the researcher to better understand their contribution in the transformation of cities, companies, industries, arts and crafts, professions and the effects of migration in society as a whole. Issues related to work should also be a part of the considerations about everyday practices associated to society’s economic and industrial development. In this context the role of the immigrant regards to entrepreneurship, technology and the circulation of ideas should be emphasised. Among the themes favoured by this line of research are studies of immigration to Brazil, focussing on transnationalism (economic, cultural and political) and the role of immigrants in the process of urbanization and social modernization of the country between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; the history of the press and its relationship with other spaces of intellectual production and the power of society; industrialization, planning and urbanization, emphasising the urban changes promoted by the phenomena of industrialization, the new waves of immigration and other forms of human mobility that occurred throughout the twentieth century. The social dimension underlined by this line of research does not exclude the dialogue with cultural and political history and the interface with other areas of history.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Fundamentals of Sociological Theory (Mandatory for Master's degree)
COD Workload Description
61645-03 45 This course will look at Sociology as a field of knowledge; Classics of Sociology: Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Simmel; comprehensive, structural, functional and systemic approaches; micro and macro perspectives and attempts to synthesize sociological analysis; epistemological issues in sociological research; sociology and the processes of social transformation.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Narrativas biográficas: condução e análise de entrevistas
COD Workload Description
1916S-04 60 disciplina será no formato de ateliê. Durante o Seminário serão apresentados e discutidos os princípios epistemológicos, teóricos e metodológicos da condução de entrevista narrativa, transcrição e das possibilidades de análise. Ao longo do semestre os participantes conduzirão entrevistas narrativas, que serão discutidas e analisadas em sala com os demais participantes.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Communication Practices and Culture Master's Not required
Communication Practices and Culture Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
New Perspectives on the Cold War and Third World Countries
COD Workload Description
1916A-04 60 This course focuses on the dynamics of the Cold War based on its developments in the processes of Decolonization and Independence in the context of the rise of Third World Countries. Through new theoretical perspectives, the relationship between the United States, the Soviet Union and China will be studied regarding the emergence of new countries in Africa and Asia, particularly. In this context, the Non-Aligned Movement, the action of the Afro-Asian Bloc within the United Nations Assembly, as well as the emergence of Anti-Apartheid Committees and Non-Governmental Organizations in defence of Human Rights will also be addressed.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Paradigma Interpretativo
COD Workload Description
191H3-01 15 O seminário apresenta os fundamentos epistemológicos do chamado “paradigma interpretativo”, bem como algumas escolas de pensamento representativas deste paradigma, como a “Escola de Chicago”, o interacionismo simbólico, a etnometodologia, a sociologia da ordem da interação e a sociologia construtivista do conhecimento, com base na fenomenologia. Ao mesmo tempo, o seminário apresentará metodologias de investigação relacionadas e estudos de casos exemplares, a fim de fornecer e discutir ideias para pesquisas concretas.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences
COD Workload Description
61642-04 60 This course will introduce students to the use of statistical tools in applied social research in several areas. It will enable students to develop the abilities to produce and interpret quantitative statistical tools used in academic research and in the job market.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Religion and Society
COD Workload Description
51574-04 60 This course will introduce the classical concepts of Anthropology and Sociology of religion, such as church, sect, magic, secularization, the sacred¿profane dichotomy, and religious identity and ethos. It will address, under a historical, anthropological and sociological point of view, the relationship between Church and State as well as religious freedom, tolerance, pluralism and markets; it will also look at the construction and management of symbolic repertoires underlying religious beliefs and practices. Ultimately, it will address the main transformations religion has gone through in Brazil over the last century.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Social Organizations and Movements
COD Workload Description
61630-04 60 This course will address the main Latin American, European and North American approaches to social movements; similar phenomena with NGOs, national and transnational cooperation networks and philanthropic organizations; social organizations and public policies; political participation and democracy; national and transnational social movements; civic consciousness.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Social Transformations, Social Policies and Family(s)
COD Workload Description
191FD-03 45 To problematize the socio-historical transformations and determinations in the interface with the organization of families, with the reconfiguration of contemporary social policies and with the repercussions on work. The emphasis is on social transformations and the dialectical relationship between society and families, focusing on issues of class, gender, ethnicity, age group, territorial realities, economic, political, educational and social factors and repercussions on interventional processes from the perspective of access to social policies.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
State and Law under the Contemporary Social Theory
COD Workload Description
61626-04 60 The course aims at describing how the law is addressed by some of the main contemporary theoreticians in normative and institutional aspects. Based on a overview of the different theoretical perspectives of sociological approach from the State and the law (Marxist, Weberian, structural-functionalist), the place and characteristics of the State and law in the contemporary society will be discussed, as well as their impact on social reality and the ongoing processes of transformation. The contributions brought forth by Michel Foucault, Jurgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and Boaventura de Sousa Santos will be discussed for the construction of a social theory incorporating the roles and characteristics of the State and law in social conformity.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Stratification and Social Inequality
COD Workload Description
61634-04 60 This course aims at presenting and discussing the main theoretical perspectives, issues and empirical works developed within one of the major sub-areas of Sociology: stratification and social inequality. This course will initially address the main lines of approach to the topic - starting from American functionalism, up to the significant contributions of Marx and Weber ¿ as well as some fundamental concepts such as: inequality of conditions, inequality of opportunities, crystallization, rigidity, additional inequalities, acquired inequalities, absolute poverty, relative poverty etc. Then, it will move on to the process through which inequalities are based on, with emphasis on class studies (mostly relying on contributions by John Goldthorpe and Erik Olin Wright), occupancy (David Grusky, Kim Weeden) and status (Donald Treiman, Blau & Duncan etc). The third part of the course will focus on more specific issues, such as: income inequality, educational inequalities, social mobility, gender inequalities, racial inequalities and perceptions on inequalities. This course will rely on both national and international empirical works.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
inglês The Interpretative Paradigm
COD Workload Description
191H2-01 15 Descreva aqui a ementa da disciplina em inglês. The seminar presents the epistemological foundations of the so-called “interpretive paradigm”, as well as some representative schools of thought within this paradigm, such as the “Chicago school”, symbolic interactionism, ethnomethodology, the sociology of the interaction order, and the constructionist sociology of knowledge, with its background in phenomenology. At the same time, the seminar will introduce related research methodologies and exemplary case studies, in order to provide and discuss ideas for concrete research.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
responsibilities and research/action
COD Workload Description
191JF-03 45 2. EMENTA: The course has as its object the study of climate change and its repercussions and the inquiry regarding the political responsibilities and the perspectives of investigation/action of the different areas of knowledge. A theme that is imposed to the extent that climate change resulting from the process of global warming, that is, the warming of the land, the oceans, the alteration of winds, have gained priority in the global political agenda from the exponential increase of disasters and calamities, forcing the creation of agreements and treaties between countries and imposing itself as a theme of study and analysis in the academic and policy management spaces. Disasters and calamities affect communities, cause damage on a global scale with human, material, economic and environmental losses, force the displacement of populations from their territories, and precarious/exceed the capacities of public policies. The demand for interdisciplinary and intersectoral responses and actions to cope often reveals a lack of preparation, both at the conceptual level and at the operational level. It is intended to broaden the scope of the discussion and the possibilities of understanding a topic that is of global interest and for this purpose it intends to invite to participate professors from the Graduate Program in Social Work and Public Policy - Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM and the School of Psychology and Wellbeing, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland, Australia.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Master's Not required
Social Work, Policies and Social Processes Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Social Work, Social Security and Social Policies This line encompasses studies and research on social protection systems, social security, and their connection to the State and civil society. It fosters a discussion on health, social security and social assistance, income transfer, food security policies and unemployment insurance. It addresses studies on territoriality and housing, educational policies, policies for the elderly, for women, for children and teenagers, for youths, for the homeless, for the disabled, among other groups and areas. It includes debates on the production of knowledge, and interdisciplinary work and of the social worker in these areas, as well as the assessment of public policies and studies on public funding and on the public-private relationship.
Social work, human rights, inequalities and resistance This line encompasses studies and investigations on human rights and their historic characteristics. The protection systems of human rights and their connection with the State and the civil society, violations of rights as well as the advances and backlashes in the affirmation of rights. It will also address studies on social policies focused on historically vulnerable peoples, in terms of human rights: black and indigenous peoples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, the elderly, youths, children and teenagers, the disabled, the homeless, women, rural and city workers, refugees and immigrants, etc. It will also investigates inequality and resistance processes and their repercussions on how these social subjects lead their lives, in view of different social markers. Additionally, this line includes studies related to punitive power of the State in the prison system, the justice system and public safety, and restorative justice. It includes as well, studies on the multiple expressions of violence and the different strategies for fighting it. The line also addresses studies on professional work (of social workers in an interdisciplinary way) in these areas and its contributions to the scientific area of Social Work and related fields, on the production of knowledge in these areas.
Social Work, Teaching and Training This line encompasses studies and investigations on the foundations of Social Work, on social question and issues about the method. It includes studies on the ethical-political, theoretical-methodological and technical-operational axes of the profession and on Social Work training and its connection with the actions conducted by social workers, their duties and competencies. It includes studies on the curriculum guidelines of the ABEPSS (Brazilian Association for Study and Research on Social Work) and the cores for training in Social Work and the guidelines for Graduate programs. It addresses studies on teaching modalities, on teaching and training in undergraduate and graduate programs, on pedagogical strategies, on theory and methodology of research, on ethics and ethical-political project, on continuing education, on supervision and internship, on advising and assessment in undergraduate and graduate programs, on school and university management and on work and knowledge production in these areas.
Social Work, Labor and Social Processes This line encompasses studies and investigations on labor as an ontological category, the labor processes, labor relationships and conditions in the capitalist production model, State, political economy, productive restructuring and the changes in the labor environment, employment and unemployment, socio-occupational spaces and the Social Workers labor in schools, health care, social services, local power, public sector, third sector and private sector, interdisciplinary work, occupational health, concrete and abstract work and the alienation processes, labor and income policies, cooperative work and solidarity economy, among other production strategies, relationships and production models. This line also addresses the study of social processes such as participation, social management processes, planning, networking, councils, social movements, popular organizations, trade union movements and, in addition to that, processes such as poverty, prejudice, racism, violence, among others. It also addresses studies on interdisciplinary work and the social worker actions for strengthening and fighting these processes, and the contributions of Social Work to these areas in terms of production of knowledge.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
COD Workload Description
191JH-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Communication Practices and Culture Master's Not required
Communication Practices and Culture Doctorate Not required
History of Iberian and American Societies Master's Not required
History of Iberian and American Societies Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Politics, Intellectuals and Media This line of research emphasises aspects of the formation, development, organization and dissemination of concepts, discourses and political practices, inserted in a historical process and its social context. Its theoretical foundations are specialized literature, mostly of French and Anglo-Saxon origin, that takes into consideration the multiple dimensions of the political universe. This line of study establishes a constant dialogue with the New Political History. The various players (individual, collective and institutional) that move through this multiple universe are the themes of this line of study that concentrates in the intellectuals, the political ideas and its various means and processes of dissemination and social performance. It favours as well those studies devoted to nineteenth and twentieth centuries within an Iberian and American context. The political centrality of the modern state in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries does not hinder the development of research that includes other objects and theoretical discussions; on the contrary, political processes are considered beyond the relationship between State and civil society, which enables the development of research into different political organizations or power structures. The political dimension of the research does not exclude the dialogue between Cultural and Social History and the interface with other fields of historical study. The line’s conceptual and methodological frame maintains its traditional interdisciplinary approach and establishes a dialogue with Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Psychoanalysis and Social Communication. Thus the press, political parties, trade unions, public policies, public opinion, intellectuals, ideas, elections, associations, armed conflicts, political movements, engaged cultural production, and institutions are objects of interest to this line of research.
Culture and Ethnicity This line of study gives emphasis to transdisciplinary works and promotes historical researches whose approaches employ concepts from different fields of human and social sciences. By focusing on the Iberian and American context from the point of view of social relations, shared practices and knowledge, artistic creation and the production of knowledge, this line underlines phenomena proper to modernity and experiences that transcend its own paradigms. Researches developed within this line of study encompass studies on representation, visual culture and ethnicity. This type of research on culture comprises themes of historical interest, analysed from the perspective of perception, the attribution of meanings and the representation of reality in a particular historical context. Considering the American and Iberian cultural context during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this type of research encompasses the social politics of memory, artistic and intellectual creation in audio, visual and discursive languages, including routes, performances, networks and symbolic exchanges. The configuration of objects in this field tries to reveal historical situations determined according to the universe of beliefs, emotions and knowledge that have given them intelligibility and meaning in their own time. Research on art, image and visual culture problematize the way the various types of images permeate everyday social life creating the visuality of an era, connecting production techniques and circulation of images to the ways of visualizing the different social groups and spaces, proposing a look at the world, mediating our understanding of reality and suggesting models of social action. The production within this thematic line includes research on ethnicity that favours the methodological transit and transdisciplinarity between History, Archaeology and Anthropology, and deals with subjects from the pre-colonial period to contemporary research regarding different ethnic groups. Studies aimed at understanding the interethnic contact in the Ibero-American world via its numerous records, focus on the daily life and cultural manifestations of indigenous populations, caboclo and quilombola communities and other peoples on the fringes of pre-colonial and post-colonial history, using epistemological instruments for the development of analysis not restricted to the reductionist dualism of the societies in contact.
Society, Economic Development and Migration The present line of research favours studies on urban transformations and the network of contacts and relationships established in different processes of sociability. It uses the latest theoretical and methodological tendencies of social history and proposes a reflection on the varied social, economic and political ties observed in an urban space; it focusses on studies of the paths of groups and/or individuals, their social and territorial insertion and their experiences and displacements. The identification of the space the different players, through their everyday practices, occupy in society allows the researcher to better understand their contribution in the transformation of cities, companies, industries, arts and crafts, professions and the effects of migration in society as a whole. Issues related to work should also be a part of the considerations about everyday practices associated to society’s economic and industrial development. In this context the role of the immigrant regards to entrepreneurship, technology and the circulation of ideas should be emphasised. Among the themes favoured by this line of research are studies of immigration to Brazil, focussing on transnationalism (economic, cultural and political) and the role of immigrants in the process of urbanization and social modernization of the country between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; the history of the press and its relationship with other spaces of intellectual production and the power of society; industrialization, planning and urbanization, emphasising the urban changes promoted by the phenomena of industrialization, the new waves of immigration and other forms of human mobility that occurred throughout the twentieth century. The social dimension underlined by this line of research does not exclude the dialogue with cultural and political history and the interface with other areas of history.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
COD Workload Description
191JA-04 60
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
COD Workload Description
191LE-02 30
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
COD Workload Description
1978C-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Communication Practices and Culture Master's Not required
Communication Practices and Culture Doctorate Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Master's Not required
Organisations, Culture and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.