

The Graduate Program in Education of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul is intended to produce high-quality researchers, contributing to the critical understanding of the field of education and aid in the improvement and development of education in Brazil and contribute to educational development further afield.


1) contribute to the development of research and to the production of scientific knowledge in the field of Education;

2) produce highly qualified professionals to teach, conduct research and design public policies in Education;

3) offer an encouraging intellectual environment for teacher and student development, through the promotion of scientific events, nationally and internationally;

4) consolidate existing and establish new academic interaction between Brazilian and international institutions through student and faculty exchanges;

5) plan resources and manage people within the standards of CAPES and of the Ministry of Education for the development and internationalization of academic pursuits and effectively contribute to the ever-expanding corpus of knowledge in Education.

PUCRS’ Graduate Program in Education (PPGEdu) is one of the oldest of such  programs in the South of Brazil. The program started in 1972 and has made significant contributions to the formation of specialists in education and researchers, working in various sectors of our society. The Graduate Program in Education has both Master’s and PhD level studies.

The teaching staff is comprised of 16 permanent professors and 2 collaborating professors, providing strong and supportive supervision for the 140 or so students in the Program. There are 2 Research Centers: The Higher Education Study Center (CEES) and The Basic Education Study Center (CEB); 2 Research Nuclei: the Nucleus for Research on Learning and Inclusive Processes (NEPAPI) and the Nucleus for Research in Education, Culture, Environment and Society (NEAS). The centers and nuclei are host to 20 Research Groups.

The Program produces two Scientific Periodicals: the Educação Journal  and the Por Escrito Journal. An Academic Bulletin, edited by the students, is also published.

The Graduate Program in Education is of the highest quality, having been awarded grade 6 in a scale ranging from 1 to 7, by CAPES, a government agency of the Ministry of Education that regulates Graduate Studies in Brazil. PUCRS is among the 800 best universities in the world, according to the Times Higher Education Ranking. It is ranked 10th among the Brazilian universities and 2nd among the private universities in the country. Our Graduate Program is at the forefront of graduate education and research.

Capes Grade: 6
Master’s: 24 credits
Doctorate: 36 credits
Master’s: minimum of 12 and maximum of 30 months
Doctorate: minimum of 24 and maximum of 54 months