The Graduate Program in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity encompasses research groups working on diverse areas of Biodiversity Science, including Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Systematics, Genetics, Genomics, Comparative Morphology, Physiology, Ecotoxicology, Animal Behavior, Paleontology, Developmental Biology and Conservation Biology. The Program encourages its Ph.D. and M.Sc. projects to employ innovative approaches to address internationally relevant scientific questions, including both basic and applied research.
The general goal of PUCRS’ Graduate Program in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity is to produce researchers and personnel to teach Biodiversity Sciences, especially courses and programs in the areas of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Conservation Biology and Applied Ecology.
The specific goals are: (i) Produce highly-qualified PhDs and Masters; (ii) Encourage its faculty and students to publish articles in international journals (preferably the highest-ranking journals according to CAPES); (iii) Foster professional interaction between professors and students with high-level international researchers, through exchanges, collaborative projects and joint publications; (iv) Welcome international students, especially from Latin America, but also from other continents; (v) Provide opportunities for students to have a doctoral research internship (or other form of exchange) abroad, thus advancing the internationalization of their academic training; (vi) Encourage the participation of the teaching staff in governmental commissions or professional, scientific and/or local, regional, national and international conservationists, in order to maximize the social and positive impact of the graduate program in society; (vii) Promote actions with other graduate programs in Brazil, in order to enhance their quality, with a positive impact on the education of their students and on society in general; and (viii) Increase the number of the actions involving society in general, with actions and projects developed with both the public and the private sectors.
The program focuses on Biodiversity Sciences, with innovative projects in areas such as Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Systematics, Genetics, Genomics, Comparative Morphology, Paleontology, Physiology, Ecotoxicology, Animal Behavior, Developmental Biology and Conservation Biology. The studies developed within the graduate program focus on different groups of animals, plants and microorganisms, often involving interdisciplinary research strategies.
Minimum for students admitted until 2021/2:
Master’s: 24
PhD: 36
Minimum for students admitted after 2022/1:
Master’s: 18
PhD: 30
Defense Deadlines
Master’s: minimum of 12 and maximum of 30 months
PhD: minimum of 24 and maximum of 54 months