The year 2020 starts full of expectations for new projects at our University. To learn more about PUCRS, you can follow the daily content on Facebook and Twitter of PUCRS International. There we share information about the University, our city and our country. Follow us!

Office for International Cooperation
New international students participate in Portuguese course
Ealier in February the Portuguese for International Students course started with international students from eight countries. The two-week program preceding the official start of the semester aims to help new students adapt to the city of Porto Alegre and the University.
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International students visit South American countries during school break
On a vacation mode, international students who were enrolled in the academic mobility program at PUCRS in the second semester of 2019 enjoyed their school break to get to know the beauties of Brazil and neighboring countries. Some of the favorite destinations include Rio de Janeiro and Argentina.
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Exchange program provides experience in health care in Mozambique
In January this year, three doctoral students from the School of Medicine had the opportunity to experience some of that. During an exchange period in Mozambique, Africa, Mathias Kunde, Julia Monteiro de Oliveira and Paula Bastos worked in the infirmary of the Maputo Central Hospital (HCM).
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PUCRS to offer 15 courses in English in 2020/1
PUCRS will be offering 15 undergraduate courses taught entirely in English in the first semester of 2020. In an effort to enhance the internationalization of the Campus, this initiative will allow international students to adapt to the University’s everyday routine, as well as prepare Brazilian students for an increasingly global market.
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New PUCRS-PrInt calls for Visiting Professors in Brazil
The Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt) has new calls for Visiting Professors in Brazil. The opportunities are open to research faculty associated with international institutions that are part of PUCRS-PrInt.
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App developed by students to promote kindness in children
Software Engineering students from the School of Technology developed the Kindness Passport, an app to encourages children aged 6 – 10 to do good for people, animals and the world, in an effort to help them become healthy and caring adults.
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Project looks at new additives and materials for oil well construction
A Petrobras-funded project by the Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources (IPR) has been successfully looking for cement additives in the construction of oil wells. The goal is to use materials with higher chemical resistance in environments rich in carbon dioxide (CO2), such as those found in oil field wells.
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Study attests benefits of games as exercise for cystic fibrosis
Dancing, jumping or running in front of the TV with an interactive video game is a fun and scientifically effective therapy for cystic fibrosis patients. This is the result of a graduate-level research that was developed in the Master’s in Pediatrics and Child Health of PUCRS. An article on the work carried out at the Children’s Center’s Pediatric Physical Activity Laboratory, has been published.
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First drama play entirely produced by PUCRS to open in March
First drama play entirely produced by PUCRS to open in March. Tango para homens velhos (Tango for Older Men), written by School of Humanities Professor Dr. Altair Martins, epitomizes one of the most common and hence most brutal issues: femicide.
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Reference in educational policies teaches PUCRS Online course
Andy Hargreaves, a faculty at Boston College Lynch School of Education and Human Development and one of the greatest references in educational policies in the world joined the program Transformative Education: Pedagogy, Fundamentals and Practices, of PUCRS Online.
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MCT-PUCRS good practices featured at a meeting in the United Kingdom
Closing his activities as Visiting Professor through PUCRS-PrInt, Professor José Luís Ferraro participated in the meeting of the Science University in Museums (SUMs) group representing the Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia - PUCRS. This edition of the meeting was hosted by the Great North Museum: Hancock, of Newcastle University.
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PUCRS’ Science and Technology Museu
PUCRS’ Science and Technology Museum (MCT) is a worldwide reference in interactive museums. With more than 800 experiments on permanent display, MCT receives hundreds of young students every day, as well as adults interested in learning science and technology in a fun and amusing way. It also has temporary exhibits addressing current issues.

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

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