
• PUCRS has, once again, made its presence felt in the Times Higher Education World Ranking 2022, as one of the best universities in the world. In addition to appearing on the global list, the University ranked among the 10th top public and private universities in Brazil, and the best private HEI in the south of Brazil.

• PUCRS is once again among the best universities in 14 countries in Latin America. The QS Latin America Ranking 2022, published by British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), ranks PUCRS as the best private university in the south of Brazil. Its 11th edition ranked 416 institutions in Latin America. In Brazil, 95 public and private universities were included on the list. We rank 2nd among all private institutions and 14th overall.

• According to the QS World University Rankings 2022, PUCRS ranks as #1 private university in the south of Brazil. The study, developed by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a global higher education analyst, listed the 1,300 best universities in the world.

• PUCRS has, once again, ranked among the best institutions in the globe in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021 and within the top 10 in Brazil. PUCRS stood out in the categories industry income and citations.

• For another consecutive year, PUCRS is among the best higher education institutions in the Latin American and Caribbean region, according to the new Times Higher Education (THE) Latin America 2021 survey. The University appears as the best private institution in the Southern Region of Brazil, in second place among all Brazilian private universities, and rose from the 20th position (2020) to the 14thamong the 177 institutions evaluated from 13 countries.
• PUCRS has ranked among the best institutions n Latin America according to the QS Latin America University Rankings 2021, published this year by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The University is #2 among the private HEIs of Brazil. The institution stood out in the indicators faculty with PhD, number of articles per faculty and international research network. The award will also be given to the institution in the year 2022: in Rio Grande do Sul, only four universities will be on the list. PUCRS features as the first and only private institution in the country.

• For another year, PUCRS has been listed as one of the best institutions of higher education in emerging economies, according to The Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021. Out of 606 institutions from 48 countries, the University ranked 2nd among private institutions in Brazil, overall.

• The 2020 edition of the ranking Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Rankings brings PUCRS as the best private university in the south of Brazil, for the fifth time in a row. In the country, it is the #2 private higher education institution and appears in the top 10 in a list that considers public and private institutions.
• PUCRS is in the top 20 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Latin America 2020. The institution is also the best private institution in the south of Brazil, and #2 among all private universities of Brazil.
• The areas of Medicine, Computer Science and Information Systems stood out in the 10th edition of QS World University Rankings by Subject. The ranking features the top universities in 48 areas of study. As for Medical School programs, PUCRS is the only private institution among the 20 Brazilian institutions on the list. The institution fared better in Citations and H-index. On the other hand, in the areas of Computer Science and Information Systems, PUCRS is the only private institution in the south of Brazil to be on the list. The University stood out in the categories Citations and Employer Reputation.
• PUCRS is the top-scoring private university in Brazil on Enade (National Exam of Students’ Performance) in the Medicine and Nursing programs. Out of the 15 PUCRS programs that were assessed in the 2019 edition of Enade, five of them scored higher than the previous edition.
• After ranking among the top 10, PUCRS is now among the top 3 best universities in the category University of the Year of the Startup Awards 2020. This is the greatest award recognizing the ecosystems of innovation of Brazil.
• PUCRS ranks as one of the best universities established from 1945 and 1967 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Golden Age Rankings 2020. The survey includes 308 universities around the globe established in this period, considered the “golden era” in higher education around the world. In the ranking, PUCRS appears as the best Brazilian private university, especially in the indicator Industry Income, and first among public and private Brazilian universities.
- The ranking Times Higher Education by subject 2020, published from Nov 19 – 21, earns relevance to PUCRS’ programs in six different areas. The Psychology program achieved the best results in the list, ranking first in Brazil in a list that includes private universities, along with PUC Rio. In the other five categories the institution makes its presence felt – Clinical, pre-clinical & health, Life sciences, Physical sciences, Engineering & technology and Computer science -, it is being recognized in the categories Research and Citations in scientific articles, which represents the influence on the academic environment.

- The most recent edition of ranking Times Higher Education (THE) Golden Age 2019, published in June, brings PUCRS once again (the first time being in 2018) as one of the best universities established between 1945 and 1967, an era known as the “golden age” in higher education all over the world. The lists includes institutions established shortly after the World War II, a period in which Higher Education Institutions (IES) saw a quick expansion as huge investments were made in academic research.
- In the edition of QS World University Rankings 2020, PUCRS remains as one of the most relevant universities in the world and the best private university in the south of Brazil. In this edition of the international ranking, published in June, 19 Brazilian institutions are featured on the list that includes 1,000 universities from 82 countries.
- The international ranking Times Higher Education (THE) Latin America 2019 , published in June, brings PUCRS as one of the 20 best higher education institutions in Latin America. It is still the #1 private university in the south of Brazil. This shows that PUCRS has climbed 13 positions from 2018, and is considered the 2nd best private university in Brazil.
- In Top of Mind 2019, sponsored by Grupo Amanhã, PUCRS appears as the most popular brand among the locals of Rio Grande do Sul, both in the field and in the online research, in the category Private University. The Institution won the first place for the fifth consecutive year. This year, the 22nd edition featured 13 new sub-categories in the category Top Executivo. In the category Technology Park, Tecnopuc stays atop. Once again, the Top of Mind Porto Alegre, brings the Science and Technology Museum (MCT) as the most popular museum. The ceremony occurred in May.
- Once again PUCRS has earned the #1 position in the areas of Teaching and Research in the Campeãs da Inovação, ranking promoted by Grupo Amanhã. The institution managed to keep the same position it held in the previous year. Results of the 15th edition were published in April.
- In March, PUCRS was awarded with the Prêmio Top Consumidor – Marcas de Respeito 2019, in the category Higher Education Institution. The award is given by the Instituto Nacional de Educação do Consumidor e do Cidadão (Inec) and Consumidor Magazine. Winners are selected by the members of the Latin American Consumer Defense Forum, Consumidor Magazine and Inec.
- In the 21st edition of Marcas de Quem Decide award, promoted by the Jornal do Comércio and by Instituto Qualidata, PUCRS features as the critics’ choice and favorite brand in the category Private Higher Education and Graduate Studies. The University also fared well in the categories Innovative Brand, Online Education and Business School.
- The new edition of Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Rankings 2019, published in January, features PUCRS as the best private institution in the south of Brazil and in the top 3 of private institutions in the country in a list that includes universities from emerging economies. PUCRS fared well in the category Citations, earning the top position among the higher education institutions of Brazil. More than 65 million citations were identified in the ranking for 14 million articles in different publications over the period of five years.
- PUCRS is ranked as the best private university in the south of Brazil, as per the General Index of Programs (IGC), published by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in December. The institution earned 3,5719 points, within band 4 of continuous IGC– on a scale that goes from 1 to 5. PUCRS also appears as the fourth best institution in the State, as per the evaluation of the Ministry of Education, in a list that includes private, federal and State universities. Additionally, the Master’s degrees programs of PUCRS have scored higher among the programs from other universities of Brazil.
- In December, PUCRS received the award Prêmio Eva Sopher by Fundação Theatro São Pedro. In its first edition, the award was given to the Câmara Riograndense do Livro (Chamber of Books of Rio Grande do Sul), to Serviço Social do Comércio (Social Service of Commerce) and four cultural exponents. The award was named after the foundation’s former president, who took the presidency of the theater in 1975 and stayed there until the day she died, in February 2018. More than 80 cultural activities were carried out at the University throughout the year: it opened its doors to 243 musicians and drama artists, 47 writers as well as 184 researchers and students. An audience as large as 15,000 people joined the activities.
- For the second time in a row, PUCRS won the Prêmio Melhores Universidades – Guia do Estudante Abril 2018, in the category University of the year – private institutions. The list, published in December, featured 694 private institutions that had their programs evaluated. Another feat for which the institution is proud of is the title of best University in the country in the category By Academic Area – Health and Wellness (private institutions). The Guia do Estudante has awarded 46 top-scoring PUCRS programs.
- For the first time, the University received the most important award for corporate communication in Brazil: the Prêmio Aberje, by the Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial, in the 44th edition of the event. The movement PUCRS 360° – Brand strategy for a University in Transformation won in the category Brand Communication, running against Unimed-BH and Volkswagen do Brasil. On the other hand, the case Open Campus – Dois dias de uma experimentação universitária complete (Open Campus – Two days for a complete university experience), won in the category Communication and Organization of Events, along with the projects by Enel and Livelo. The award was given in São Paulo, in November.
- Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British company specialized in higher education, published the most recent edition of QS BRICS University Rankings 2019, a ranking of universities of the countries that form BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In the list, PUCRS appears as the best private institution in the south of Brazil and the third in the country, right behind PUC-Rio and PUC-SP PUCRS climbed 13 spots in relation to the previous edition. The University fared well in the number of staff with a PhD, citations per paper and employer reputation. This year, as many as 400 higher education institutions from the five countries were evaluated.
- The survey was conducted by Raquel de Melo Boff in the Graduate Program in Psychology of PUCRS, who was advised by Professor Margareth da Silva Oliveira, and is one of the 49 winners of Prêmio Capes de Tese 2018 (2018 Capes Dissertations Awards) . The dissertation Efeito de uma intervenção interdisciplinar baseada no modelo transteórico de mudança de comportamento em adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade (Effect of an interdisciplinary intervention based on the transtheoretical model of behavioral change in overweight and obese adolescents) , was one of the highlights in the area of Psychology. Inez Rocha Zacarias finished her degree with honors as she defended the dissertation A mediação da teoria e do método em Marx na formação profissional em Serviço Social (The mediation of Marx’s theory and method in the professional development in the area of Social Work), advised by Professor Jane Cruz Prates, in the Graduate Program in Social Work, appeared as one of the 81 dissertations in the award. The list, published in October, included the best doctoral dissertations defended in 2017.
- The 2018 edition of Folha University Ranking (RUF), organized by newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, featured PUCRS appears as best private university in Brazil, for the second year in a row. Considering all private institutions, the institution stays atop in the category research, and second in Innovation and Internationalization. Just like the previous year, the overall ranking brings the institution at #18, behind public higher education institutions. Overall, 196 public and private institutions made it to the list. The indicators used are: research, internationalization, innovation, teaching and market. The list was published on Oct 1.
- PUCRS ranks as the best private university of the South of Brazil in the Times Higher Education (THE) Latin America University Rankings 2018. The institution is again, in the top 3 among the highest-ranking universities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul – second only to UFRGS. The list, published in July, features PUCRS as one of the most relevant higher education institutions in Latin America, especially in industry income and academic citations.
- The most recent edition of QS World University Ranking features PUCRS as one of the best universities of Brazil and the only private institution from the south of Brazil. Brazil has 22 institutions in the list that includes 1,000 universities from 85 countries. The list was published in June. The ranking, which is published every year, relies on five performance indicators: academic reputation (40% of final score), employer reputation (10% of final score), faculty/student ratio (20% of final score), citations per faculty (20% of final score) and internationalization (10% of final score). Check out the complete list.
- The Times Higher Education (THE) Golden Age Rankings 2018 shows PUCRS as the only institution from Rio Grande do Sul to be in a list of the best universities established between 1945 and 1967. PUCRS stood out in the areas Industry Income, International Outlook and Citations. This list, published in June, features institutions established after WW2, the “golden age” of higher education all over the world. This period saw a quick expansion of higher education institutions (HEI) and a major increase in the investments in university research.
- For the fourth year in a row PUCRS has won the Top of Mind Rio Grande do Sul in the category Private University. Additionally, the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) won the Top of Mind Porto Alegre in the category Museums. Results came out in May. The prize has been given by Grupo Amanhã for 28 years, in partnership with Engaje.
- In the 20th anniversary of prize Marcas de Quem Decide, given by Jornal do Comércio and Instituto Qualidata, in March, PUCRS and the Colégios Maristas (Marist Schools) were recognized as some of the 10th most relevant brands in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The award considers people’s choice in a list that includes the 60th most acclaimed organizations in the history of the prize. The prize includes the people’s choice and the traditional list of favorites brands in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, according to industry and business leaders, in several segments. PUCRS won the people’s choice award in the category Higher Education – Private and in the category Graduate Programs. As for Private High School, Marist schools feature on the top of a list of the most popular schools and in the top 3, in the list of favorites.
- In March, the Noite do Livro earned student from the Graduate Program in Letters, Gustavo Melo Czekster and Samir Machado de Machado, Creative Writing alumnus, the Prêmio Açorianos de Literatura 2017. Delfos – Center for Documentation and Cultural Memory of PUCRS, was also awarded. All the actions towards the creation and maintenance of the collections of writers, filmmakers, journalists and collections of cultural material of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the promotion of literature activities, earned Delfos the Relevância Cultural (Cultural Relevance) award. Czekster and Machado de Machado won awards in the categories Short Stories and Long Narrative, respectively. The University had seven writers nominated. All contenders of the category Long Narrative were either PUCRS students or PUCRS alumni.
- PUCRS has some of the best programs in Medicine, Computer Science and Information Systems on the globe. This is shown in the 8th edition of QS World University Rankings by Subject, announced in February by the QS Quacquarelli Symonds global higher education analysts. The universities are evaluated according to the following metrics: academic reputation, employer reputation, citations per faculty and H-index, an index of productivity and impact of the institution’s and researchers’ publications.
- Student from the Graduate Program in Law of PUCRS, Amanda Costa Travincas, won the Grande Prêmio Capes de Tese (Capes Dissertation Award) in the area of Humanities, Linguistics, Languages, Arts, Applied Social Sciences and Multidisciplinary Sciences (Teaching). The award was given in December, in Brasília. Amanda was awarded with the dissertation A tutela jurídica da liberdade acadêmica no Brasil: a liberdade de ensinar e seus limites. She was advised by Professor Dr Ingo W. Sarlet. The winners are entitled to a certificate, a trophy and a postdoctoral grant to be enjoyed overseas for up to 12 months.
- The Event Center of PUCRS won big at the Prêmio Caio 2017 (Caio Prize), as it was awarded the Jacaré de Ouro (Golden alligator) in the category Small / Medium-sized Convention Center in the Southern Region. Sponsored by Revista Eventos and offered by Eventos Expo Editora, this national prize recognized 52 segments of the economy in the area of events, from suppliers to specialized companies. The prize is an effort to disseminate and enhance the commercial promotional activities, promotional marketing, business tourism and events as corporate marketing tools.
- According to the Ministry of Education (MEC), PUCRS ranks 5th in a list that includes the best private higher education institutions in Brazil. According to the Índice Geral de Cursos – IGC (General Index of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs), published on Nov 27, the University achieved 3.49, band 4 (in a scale that ranges from 1 to 5). Only 18.8% of the higher education institutions evaluated in 2016, earned a grade higher than 4. As per the 2016 Conceito Preliminar de Curso (CPC), an indicator that looks at the quality of undergraduate programs, the Medicine program of PUCRS is the #1 Medical School program in the south of Brazil, in a list that includes public and private institutions. The University achieved 3.57 points, earning a position in band 4. The Dentistry program ranked 2nd in Rio Grande do Sul and 4th in the South of Brazil. Besides, the Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy and Social Work programs are featured in the top 10.
- In the QS Latin America University Rankings 2018, published in October, PUCRS ranks atop as the best private university of the south of Brazil. In Rio Grande do Sul, it ranked 2nd in a list that includes public and private institutions. As many as 400 universities from Latin America, including 83 from Brazil, have been evaluated.
- PUCRS has ranked atop a list of public and private higher education institutions (HES) that offer ten or more graduate programs, as per the Brazilian Federal Agency of Evaluation and Support of Graduate Education – Capes, published on Sep 19. This has been the country’s biggest improvement from 2013 to 2016. Out of the 24 graduate programs offered at the University, 7 have had their quality improved and, overall, 11 have been classified as programs of international excellence. PUCRS has an average grade of 5.42 among the HEIs offering ten or more graduate programs according to Capes. Capes evaluates programs on a scale that goes up to 7, but programs awarded grade 6 are considered of international excellence.
- PUCRS won the Ojo de Plata 2017, a prize that recognizes the good practices and experiences of the University in social responsibility. The prize is given by the Social Responsibility Regional Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (Orsalc), accountable to the Unesco International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- PUCRS is the only private institution of RS to be among the 1000th best higher education institutions from all over the world, according to Times Higher Education (THE). Only 32 institutions from Brazil are in the list. Knowledge transfer, internationalization and number of citations were some of the highlights of the University.
- The 14th issue of Campeãs da Inovação of Revista Amanhã, earned PUCRS the title of most innovative institution in the south of Brazil. The compilation, which now features the category Teaching and Research, for universities and research centers, looks at the 50 businesses that develop the most innovative and creative practices in their segment.
- The University was also mentioned in the Guia do Estudante 2017. Overall, 43 programs achieved the highest grades for higher education in Brazil. 20 undergraduate programs received five stars whereas 23 others received four stars. Additionally, the Electrical Engineering, Physics (bachelor’s degree) and Chemistry (Teacher training) programs received three stars.
- The Times Higher Education (THE) – Latin American University Rankings 2017 ranks PUCRS as the 16th best university in Latin America and, again, as the 2nd best private university in Brazil. The institution climbed seven positions when compared to the ranking of 2016, as it ranked 23rd. In the national scenario, PUCRS stays atop among the private universities in the south of Brazil, and is the only one from Rio Grande do Sul in the top 50.
- PUCRS is one of the 15 best universities of Brazil, according to the QS World University Ranking. Besides, the University is the only private institution from the south of Brazil, and one of the country’s top 3 private institutions, to be in the list, which includes around 1,000 institutions from all over the world.
- For the third year in a row PUCRS has won the Top of Mind Rio Grande do Sul in the category Private University. On the other hand, the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) won the Top of Mind Porto Alegre in the category Museums. MCT has been winning this award since 2011.
- The project Método Exponencial (Exponential Method) went silver in the Prêmio Nacional de Gestão Educacional (Educational Management National Prize) 2017, in the category Academic Management – Higher Education. The award was given in late March, at the GEduc, the most renowned congress of educational management in Brazil.
- PUCRS won the people’s choice and people’s favorite award in the category Private Higher Education, as per the Marcas de Quem Decide 2017. It is also a favorite in the category Graduate School.
- According to the Ministry of Education’s General Index of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs (IGC) 2015, PUCRS’ Master’s Programs received the highest grade among the private universities of Brazil, and rank 2nd among all Brazilian universities. As well as this, PUCRS fares well among the best private institutions in Brazil, according to the Continuous IGC, reaching grade 4, on a scale ranging from 1 to 5.
- PUCRS won the people’s choice and people’s favorite award in the category Private Higher Education, as per the Marcas de Quem Decide 2016.
- PUCRS ranked 15th among the 50th most creative and innovative companies in the south of Brazil in the Campeãs da Inovação ranking, offered by Revista Amanhã in partnership with Edusys and Fundação Dom Cabral. In the area of Education, it ranked atop.
- PUCRS won the Top of Mind Rio Grande do Sul in the category Private University. On the other hand, the Science and Technology Museum won the Top of Mind Porto Alegre in the category Museum.
- PUCRS won the people’s choice and people’s favorite award in the category Private Higher Education, as per the Marcas de Quem Decide 2015.
- The University won the Top of Mind in Rio Grande do Sul and the Top Of Mind in Porto Alegre in the category Private University, a distinction granted by Grupo Amanhã.
- The Science and Technology Museum (MCT) won the Top Of Mind in the category Museum, at the Top Of Mind | As Marcas de Porto Alegre prize, promoted by magazine Porto Alegre é TOP, published by Grupo Amanhã.
- The institution was selected the best private university in the southern region of Brazil, and the 3rd in the country according to the QS University Rankings 2015. The Institution ranks 14th among Brazilian universities, including public and private ones. In Latin America, it ranks 38th among all institutions.
- #1 in people’s choice and #1 people’s favorite in Private Higher Education and #1 people’s choice in Graduate Studies in the Marcas de Quem Decide prize, by Jornal do Comércio.
- It holds the 9th spot in the overall ranking and stays atop in the category Education of prize Campeãs de Inovação, by Revista Amanhã.
- PUCRS is the Best Private University in Brazil (and the 18th overall), according to the University Ranking of Folha de São Paulo (RUF). The Institution ranks 1st among all Brazilian private universities in the category Research and Innovation, and is the 1st private university in the Southern Region in terms of Education, Market Assessment and Internationalization.
- #1 in the category Education in Ranking Grandes e Líderes – 500 Maiores do Sul, by Revista Amanhã.
- The institution made it to the list of the 800th Best Universities of the World, in QS World University Ranking 2014, ranking 650th. In Latin America, the institution ranks 38th, and 3rd among all private institutions of Brazil.
- PUCRS’ Science and Technology Museum (MCT) was awarded the TripAdvisor Excellence Certificate 2014 (, which gathers information, reviews and tips for tourists all over the world.
- PUCRS is the best private University in the South of Brazil and 3rd in the country according to the 2012 General Index of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs (IGC) of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), which evaluates the quality of undergraduate, master’s and doctorate programs. The result takes into account items related to student performance, infrastructure of the institution, teaching and educational organization, and faculty. (December)
- 11 Graduate programs of PUCRS (PPGs) have achieved international level of excellence (grades 6 and 7) according to the Brazilian Federal Agency for Evaluation and Support of Higher Education – Capes. 6 others PPGs have achieved grade 5, an enviable grade as per the national standards. (December)
- Project Simulação Computacional de Multidões: Prevendo e Evitando Desastres (Computer-Generated Crowd Simulation: Preventing and Avoiding Disasters), developed by the team headed by Dr. Soraia Raupp Musse, a School of Computer Science professor, wins the Santander Science and Innovation award, in the category Information Technology, Communication and Education. (November)
- 2013 Top Cidadania award received from the Brazilian Association of Human Resources – Rio Grande do Sul (ABRH/RS), for the project Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos Show de Bola (Show de Bola Service for Social Life and Strengthening of Ties). (October)
- In the University Ranking of Folha de São Paulo (RUF), PUCRS appears as the 2nd best private University in Brazil (right behind PUC-Rio) and 1st in Rio Grande do Sul. The Institution scores highly in the category Innovation, in which it is the best private university and number 11 in the overall ranking. In the state, it is also #1 in the categories Education and Internationalization, in the private segment. (September)
- PUCRS’ Science and Technology Museum (MCT) was elected the 10th best museum in Brazil in the 2013 Travellers’ Choice™ award, being the only science museum in the South of Brazil to appear on the list. The award is given every year, as a response to the reviews of travelers using the Tripadvisor website, which is considered the greatest travel website in the world, with over 60 million evaluations and opinions. (July)
- The University ranks 41st among the 300 best universities in Latin America, 2nd in Rio Grande do Sul, and 14th in Brazil, overall. The list was published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). (May)
- People’ choice award at the 23rd edition of Top of Mind – As Marcas do Rio Grande in the category University. The survey was conducted by Revista Amanhã and Segmento Pesquisas. (May)
- 1st University in Latin America to appear on the Greenmetric Ranking of World Universities, in the Energy and Climate Change category. The ranking, prepared by the University of Indonesia, compares the efforts of educational institutions on sustainability and environmental management on their campi. In the same category, PUCRS ranks 20th in the Americas and ranks 82nd worldwide. (April)
- People’s choice and people’s favorite in the 2013 survey Marcas de Quem Decide, of Rio Grande do Sul, carried out by Jornal do Comércio, in the category Private Higher Education. It is also in the people’s choice and people’s favorite top 5 in the category Graduate Education. (March)
- PUCRS is also the first private university in Brazil to appear on the Webometrics ranking, prepared by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), a Spanish governmental institution dedicated to fostering scientific and technological research. In this ranking, PUCRS appears as the 16th university in Brazil and ranks 621st worldwide. In RS, it is in the top 3. (February)
- Prize Campeãs da Inovação, awarded by the Amanhã magazine, in the category Education. In the category General, the University ranked 9th. (January)
- Prize Campeãs da Inovação, awarded by the Amanhã magazine, in the category Education. In the category General, the University ranked 9th.
- PUCRS is the best private University in the South of Brazil and 3rd in the country according to the 2011 General Index of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs (IGC) of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), which evaluates the quality of undergraduate, master’s and doctorate programs. The institution earned grade 3.68 in the IGC, band 4, in a scale that ranges from 1 to 5.
- Best Private University in the South of Brazil and 2nd in Brazil in the same category, by the prize Melhores Universidades Guia do Estudante by Editora Abril.6 projects of the university were highly acclaimed in the 10th edition of Prêmio Sinepe/RS:
– Escola-Ciência Project (Proesc): 1st in the 7th Responsabilidade Social – Participação Comunitária prize (Science and Technology Museum)
– Aconselhamento Financeiro Gratuito (Financial Counseling At no Charge): 1st – Area – Higher Education (School of Business Administration, Accounting and Economics)
– 24th SET Universitário: 2nd in the category Communication and Relationship Management (School of Social Communications)
– Project Desenvolvimento local, inclusão social e educação ambiental como ferramenta de ensino de práticas ambientalmente sustentáveis (Local development, social inclusion and environmental education as tools to teach environmentally-sustainable practices): 3rd in the 7th Responsabilidade Social – Ecoresponsible Practices Prize (Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources)
– CriaLab Project – Creativity Lab: 3rd – Pedagogical Management – Higher Education (Microsoft Innovation Center – PUCRS)
– Project P&D na Sala de Aula: Formando Empreendedores (Research & Development in the Classroom: Producing Entrepreneurs) 1st – Area – Higher Education (School of Pharmacy)
- Professor Dr Diógenes Santos, coordinator of the Center for Research in Molecular and Functional Biology of PUCRS (CPBMF), won the Prêmio Santander Universidades 2012, in the category Health, at Prêmio Santander Ciência e Inovação 2012.