PUCRS’s new administration takes office with a commitment to uphold the legacy of innovation, inclusion, and excellence

Inspired by values of gratitude, passion, and hope, Br. Manuir Mentges leads the new higher administration while committing to transform challenges into opportunities for the future

12/12/2024 - 09h24

Foto: Giordano Toldo

“Looking back on the past with gratitude, living the present with passion, and embracing the future with hope.” That was the message that Br. Manuir Mentges, newly appointed President of PUCRS, shared with those who attended the event Celebrar em Comunidade (“Celebrate in Community”), which took place on Thursday (12), in PUCRS’s Events Center. The ceremony marked the inauguration of the Universeity’s new higher administration for the next quadrennium (2025-2028), and was attended by PUCRS’s Cardinal and Chancellor, Don Jaime Spengler, PUCRS leaders, authorities, Marist Brothers, the academic community, and family members of the new administration.

“It is with great honor, a deep sense of responsibility, and commitment that today I take on the position of President of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. As I receive this mission, I am aware of the magnitude of the challenge, but also of the immense trust the Governing Body, our Chancellor, the academic community and the Church have placed in me to exercise servant leadership at the university for the next four years,” said Br. Manuir Mentges during his speech.

Guided by the words of Pope Francis, the new President of PUCRS structured his speech around these three purposes: gratitude for the past, giving thanks to Br. Evilázio’s inspiring journey in these 20 years in the Presidency — 12 as Senior Vice President and eight as President; passion for the present, sharing with the academic community his enthusiasm for the opportunity of contributing to PUCRS’s history of excellence; and hope for the future, pointing out the importance of the 2023/2027 strategic planning the build and keep a sustainable and visionary university.

“We will work — and here I make a point to emphasize the first person plural, because we are all one — towards ensuring education, research, and services of excellence, prioritizing inclusion, creativity, and plurality, creating an environment in which each individual can fully develop without losing the sense of community. We will keep fostering well-being and life quality for our academic community, promoting an education that does not only train qualified professionals, but also critical citizens who are aware of their role in society,” he said.

Next to the Senior Vice President, who also took office on the occasion, Br. Marcelo Bonhemberger, the President pointed out that the new administration’s work be carried out in a transparent, collaborative and agile manner, focusing on clear guidelines:

  • Excellence in every area of action;
  • Inclusive, plural, and creative university community;
  • People at the heart of every experience;
  • Agile administration committed to results;
  • Driver of development for society;
  • Social, environmental, and governance responsibility;
  • And a competitive and sustainable portfolio, linked to the demands of our time.

Foto: Giordano Toldo

The university is committed to generating a real impact on society

During his speech, Br. Manuir pointed out the main pillars to which the new administration is committed, including promoting inclusion, equity, and social justice; enhancing innovation, generation of impact and value for society, transforming knowledge into development, and training people who are capable of changing the world for the better; investing in sustainable practices and in the development of initiatives that integrate research, education, extension, and innovation towards the preservation of our common home and the mitigation of the effects of the ecological crisis; promoting critical thinking and the flourishing of arts, and the creation of a society that is more just and rich in cultural diversity; in the field of financial sustainability, the search for greater efficiency, sharing of resources, strategic partnerships and a portfolio of updated and attractive courses and services.

“Education is and always will be the ultimate priority, both within the University and as the object on which the University focuses to also contribute to Basic Education, the training of teachers, the development of theoretical and methodological contributions to both the public and private sectors, influence on public policies, and, in a broader sense, the work in favor of education as a major transformative agent of humanity,” he said.

Gratitude and legacy: farewall reflections of Brother Evilázio

Foto: Giordano Toldo

Brother Evilázio Teixeira ends his journey as President of PUCRS after two decades of dedication and leadership. Over the course of 12 years and Senior Vice President and eight as President, he led the University during a time marked by significant change. Under his administration, PUCRS established itself as a reference in education, research, and extension, achieving national and international recognition.

His leadership was guided by the vision of turning PUCRS into an innovative and relevant institution, connected to the demands of contemporary society. During his farewell speech, Brother Evilázio pointed out the importance of team work:

“Gratitude to all who, with their dedication, took the University to new heights. We are creating a new university for a new society.”

Brother Evilázio expressed deep gratitude to the Governing Body, the Marist Brothers, the academic community, and his family, particularly his parents, Ari and Ignez, whose loving memory inspired him throughout his life.

“I would like to begin this final speech as President with the same initial acknowledgement as when I took office in 2016. Thank you to those who supported me in my journey and shared with me the mission of leading this University,” he said.

To mark this moment of change, a video presented during the ceremony summarized the advances and achievements of the past years, reinforcing PUCRS’s commitment to training professionals and citizens who are ready to change the world. See more here.

In his final words, Brother Evilázio expressed best wishes for the success of the new administration, led by Brother Manuir Mentges, and reaffirmed his trust in the future of PUCRS:

“I wish the new administration success, discernment, wisdom, and courage to continue implementing new ideas and actions that respond to the calls of society and ensure the relevance and sustainability of our university.”

The ceremony was also attended by the Provincial of the Marist Province Brazil South-Amazon and President of the Brazilian Union of Education and Assistance, Brother Deivis Alexandre Fischer, the Attorney General of Rio Grande do Sul, Alexandre Saltz, the Secretary of Innovation, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Simone Stülp, the Municipal Secretary of Health, Fernando Ritter, and President of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Br. Rogério Mateucci.

During the opening of the event, PUCRS’s Choir, under the direction of the conductor Márcio Buzzato, presented the song Novo Tempo, of Ivan Lins.

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