Decoration granted to Professor Draiton Gonzaga recognizes interdisciplinary work for cooperation between Brazil and Germany
Professor Draiton Souza with the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. Photo: personal archive
The German government awarded the Dean of the School of Humanities, Professor Draiton Gonzaga de Souza, the Verdienstkreuz am Bande, an honor in recognition for his interdisciplinary work towards the cooperation efforts between Brazil and Germany. The ceremony is scheduled to occur as soon as health protocols permit in person activities, with the presence of the German Ambassador in Brazil, Heiko Thoms. In 2006, Br. Norberto Rauch, former president of PUCRS, was also awarded the German Cross.
The distinction was idealized by Theodor Heuss, first president of the Federal Republic of Germany during the post-war period, in 1951. The Verdienstkreuz am Bande is the only and highest civilian decoration of the government, awarded for merits achieved in the provision of services for the common good. All intellectual, political, economic or social achievements are taken into account, as well as services provided for the benefit of the country in social or creative areas or assistance to humanity.
“This cross recognizes the work that I have done as a team, as it is impossible to win this medal alone. I am happy to have the opportunity to thank my collaborators who helped in these efforts of cooperation between Brazil and Germany throughout these 23 years. This work has involved many actors, including PUCRS, which played a fundamental role”, the dean says. Gonzaga added that having been awarded the Verdienstkreutz am Bande is a driving force for him to continue his research.
● 1985 – Admitted into the undergraduate program in Philosophy (teaching degree)
● 1987 – Finished his degree in Philosophy from Faculdade de Filosofia Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição
● 1989 – Joined PUCRS as a collaborating professor.
● 1993 – Completed his Master’s in Philosophy from PUCRS, with the thesis O ateísmo antropológico de Ludwig Feuerbach (Ludwig Feuerbach’s anthropological atheism).
● 1998 – Completed his PhD in Philosophy from University of Kassel, Germany. He began serving as coordinator of the Philosophy program at PUCRS.
● 2000 – Completed his first postdoctoral research in Philosophy. Overall, Gonzaga has completed six postdocs, all in Germany.
● 2002 – Received the Brazil / Germany Academic Cooperation award from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
● 2011 – Completed his degree in Philosophy from PUCRS.
● 2012 – Completed his degree in Law from PUCRS.
● 2013 – Completed his Master’s in Law from UFRGS. Won the Humboldt-Alumni-Preis, from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
● 2019 – Completed his PhD in Law from UFRGS.
● 2021 – Won the German Cross Verdienstkreuz am Bande from the German government.