PUCRS offers courses in English to promote internationalization

Interdisciplinary in nature, the courses taught in English are an alternative for those who want to practice the language and prepare for international experiences

18/12/2024 - 08h43

Foto: Bruno Todeschini

With internationalization being one of its key differentiators as a Higher Education Institution, PUCRS offers courses taught in English every semester. In 2025, 22 courses will be offered, and they are an opportunity to practice a second language in your field of study. English also helps students position themselves better in the job market, in addition to being a way to understand an increasingly globalized industry.

In the courses, English is seen as a means of communication, not the subject of study (known as English as a Medium of Instruction – EMI). This means the classes do not address grammar aspects of the language, and the student is assessed based on the content covered in the course. Many of them have an interdisciplinary nature and can be taken as electives by students from different programs.

For professor Gabriela Wallau, from the Office of Academic Development, which belongs to the Office of the Vice President for Undergraduate Studies and Continuing Education (Prograd), the courses in English enable the development of important skills for the job market.

“The courses in English are an excellent opportunity to experience a highly internationalized environment without ever leaving the classroom,” she says.

Students can choose to take courses from their own curriculum (equivalent to those in Portuguese) or from other programs, either within their own School or from others (which will count as electives). In these classes, English is the official means of communication among professors and students, but the content discussed is the same as in a regular course.

“Assessments are not based on language proficiency level but on the development of learning, just as they would be in the course taught in Portuguese. Following its institutional commitment with internationalization of education, PUCRS has been expanding and enhancing its portfolio of courses taught in English, which are currently offered by all of the Schools in the University,” adds Gabriela.

Contact with international classmates

One of the advantages of joining a course in a foreign language is that you increase your chances of sharing the classroom with classmates from other countries, since many international students in mobility programs at PUCRS seek out these courses for their study period here. This means you can learn and develop your studies while sharing experiences with classmates from different cultures.

“The classes are attended both by foreigners in Academic Mobility and by PUCRS students, promoting an intense intercultural exchange and developing crucial skills for the globalized world,” comments Gabriela.

In addition, the courses in English are a great practice for those planning to study abroad, whether for an academic mobility period or professional development. As a result, the student will have the opportunity to practice a second language and experience intercultural exchanges.

How to access the courses

If you are interested in taking the courses taught in English offered by PUCRS in 2025/1, they are available in the enrollment portal. Check out the step-by-step guide to access them:

  1. Identify the available courses in English for the 2025/1 semester;
  2. Write down the name/code of the course in English;
  3. Log into the Enrollment Portal and find the course by its name in Portuguese within your curriculum;
  4. Once you find the course, click on “ver mais” (see more) and you will see the course option with its name in English for you to select.

If you still have any questions, you can contact the administrative office of your School.

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