The center aims to foster academic collaboration between Brazil and Germany
Evaluation Committee of the Center for German and European Studies (ZDES), PUCRS and UFRGS authorities
Photo: Camila Cunha – Ascom/PUCRS
The Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) have been selected, among many other projects in the country, to be home to the Center for German and European Studies in Brazil (Ceae), with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (Daad), relying on financial resources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (AA). The center is expected to open its doors in Porto Alegre in March 2017.
The Center for German and European Studies is intended to offer a new generation of students, researchers and Brazilian scholars interdisciplinary and practice-oriented insights into contemporary German and European issues of relevance to Brazil and Latin America. This joint project between PUCRS and UFRGS is mostly intent on exploring three key phenomena: globalization, sustainable development and cultural diversity. Ceae will implement new specific graduate-level programs, and in 2017 it will be offering a specialization program in Law.
The center will sit in an area within the premises of the University, following a decision made by the president of the institution. The Center of German and European Studies will be initially directed by Prof. Dr. Claudia Lima Marques, Law School professor of UFRGS, a PhD from Heidelberg University, who has also directed several other institutions. The vice president will be Prof. Dr. Draiton Gonzaga de Souza, Dean of the School of Humanities of PUCRS, a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Kassel, who has been awarded grants by DAAD and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
The Center will ensure the continuation of the academic cooperation between Brazil and Germany and the promotion of connections between courses addressing topics related to Germany. Special emphasis will be given to actions bringing together the world network of Center of German and European Studies, sponsored by Daad. The Center is expected to become a visible and active part of this network. Since 1991, Daad has funded and implemented a total of twenty-one Centers for German and European Studies in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia, Israel, China, Japan and South Korea. Currently, Daad provides support to 17 Centers in eleven countries.