PUCRS and the Catholic University of Colombia reinforce partnership through new projects

Initiatives mark collaboration of PUCRS with Latin America

22/05/2024 - 16h41

Photo: Laísa Mendes

The relationship between PUCRS and the Catholic University of Colombia (UCC) is strengthened by a series of collaborative projects. Through international cooperation between both institutions, some initiatives took place in the past months, with prospects for being continued in educational projects. Learn about some of them:

Language training

Through an active approach, enabling the constant participation and exchange of knowledge, professor from the School of Humanities and the Graduate Program in Languages, Cristina Perna, taught a class on Portuguese for faculty, students and administrative technicians from UCC. The class was taught in a hybrid modality, with 26 students between December 2023 and April 2024.

In February 2024, the on-site part of the course took place in the Catholic University of Colombia, aiming to strengthen the teamwork and the further the knowledge on Brazilian culture. Throughout the training process, participants had the opportunity to focus on the communicative approach, acquiring knowledge on grammar, spelling, morphology, pronunciation and a diverse vocabulary.

Cristina hopes for new internationalization opportunities between Latin-American countries. “I hope this experience is very fruitful and creates an opportunity for greater cooperation between both countries and, most of all, enhances mobility between PUCRS and the Catholic University of Colombia,” she says.

Lecture and Reception

Photo: Laísa Mendes

In April, director of International Relations, Patricia Serrano Esguerra, and Mobility coordinator, Luisa Orozco, from UCC, visited PUCRS to discuss future collaboration. During the visit, they gave a lecture on the prospects of studying in Colombia, with a special focus on academic mobility. In this opportunity, the visitors were welcomed by PUCRS’s President, Br. Evilázio Teixeira, by the Administrative Coordinator of the Office for International Cooperation (ECI), Sandra Mino, and professor Cristina Perna.

In addition, Patricia and Luisa had a meeting at the Office for International Cooperation, where they discussed various possibilities of initiatives to be fostered, such as: free Spanish course, virtual mobility, on-site and virtual internship for undergraduate and graduate programs, scholarships, among others.

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