Michael Schulz, Philosophy professor from the German university, participated in activities in the University
Photo: Icaro Venzon
The visit from the University of Bonn professor Michael Schulz had the purpose of discussing and presenting mobility opportunities to graduate students and teachers between both institutions, as well as strengthening academic and institutional ties. The meeting was made possible by the Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt), funded by Capes, and aimed to explore opportunities of interinstitutional cooperation.
One of the main topics of discussion was the creation of a graduate program integrated between PUCRS and the University of Bonn, enriching the academic experiences of students and researchers from both institutions. Roberto Hofmeister Pich, professor from the School of Humanities, was the host and participated in the discussions, highlighting the importance of this exchange of knowledge and culture between Brazil and Germany. Professor Schulz’s reception was held by the Office for International Cooperation, represented by Carla Bonan, professor from the School of Health and Life Sciences and the Office’s Executive Coordinator.
In addition to the academic and mobility matters, they also discussed the cultural differences between Germany and Brazil, enriching the mutual understanding and promoting a deeper appreciation of both countries’ cultures.